A wee bit swatch o ma owersettin intae #Scots, this bein Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night...
Dinnae Gang Cannie Intae Yon Guid Nicht by #DylanThomas, owersettit by Albert Kirk Jr
(It's in copyricht yet, sae ken that A ken that weel, Estate o Dylan Thomas 😬)
#ScotsPoem #ScotsPoetry #WelshPoetry #ScotsLeid #ScotsScrievin
#scotsscrievin #ScotsLeid #welshpoetry #scotspoetry #scotspoem #dylanthomas #scots
Lifeless and broken
In the rush of life's rapids
I've lost who I am.
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #morninghaiku #dailyhaiku
#haikufeels #lost #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #morninghaiku #dailyhaiku
Sandy sunlit shore
Secluded from life's bustle
Tranquil paradise
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
#haikufeels #tranquil #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
Merryness subsides
Excitement is mellowed
To blissful content
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
#haikufeels #content #merry #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
Provoked to madness
A desperate bid for normal
To take back control
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon @haiku
#haikufeels #provoked #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
The sound of sweet persuasion
An echo in your ear,
Those words that start the doubting
Until your spirit disappears.
The whisper of a stranger
Worming at your soul,
Their aim, to start you doubting,
Their victim, your resolve.
#poetry #writersofmastadon #PoetryOnMastodon #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems @poetry
#vss365 #persuasion #poetry #writersofmastadon #PoetryOnMastodon #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems
Oh, they notice me
Now that I'm gone, finally,
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #morninghaiku #dailyhaiku
#haikufeels #appreciated #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #morninghaiku #dailyhaiku
A long road.
A short walk.
My heavy feet despair.
Each step.
Along a street
I'll never see the end.
Before me light,
I stand
At the edge of night
Longing to take
One more step
On this long road,
Before turning back to pain.
#poetry #writersofmastadon #PoetryOnMastodon #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems
#vss365 #walk #poetry #writersofmastadon #PoetryOnMastodon #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems
Gleaming before me
A frost coated wonderland
I gaze, overwhelmed.
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #morninghaiku #dailyhaiku
#haikufeels #Overwhelmed #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #morninghaiku #dailyhaiku
From the hand of mighty Zeus
Flies forth destruction, as he looses
Thunderbolt and lightning strike
'Mongst fields of heathens, causing blight
On those who shun his noble name
As we his faithful watch, in vain
We told them so....
#poetry #writersofmastadon #PoetryOnMastodon #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems
#vss365 #thunderbolt #poetry #writersofmastadon #PoetryOnMastodon #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems
Roused every morning
By birdsong and the bitter
Whiff of strong coffee.
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
#haikuchallenge #Whiff #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
Into the river
Adorned with some concrete shoes
It is accomplished
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon @haiku
#haikufeels #accomplished #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
Flourish, in the rays of fame
Light that floods into your life
Open up, come blossom, bloom
Whilst your face remains in sight.
Every rose must die too soon
Robbed through young and vibrant life.
#acrostic #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon @acrostic
#acrosticchallenge #flower #acrostic #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
You say
I'm yours,
We're meant
Made for
Each other
To stay
I hear
I listen
Your words
Don't fit.
My head
Won't let
My heart
Be happy.
I hear
But stay
#poetry #writersofmastadon #PoetryOnMastodon #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems @poetry
#vss365 #uncertain #poetry #writersofmastadon #PoetryOnMastodon #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems
Left out in the sun
Alone in its happy glow
A rasin is born
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon @haiku
#haikufeels #leftout #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
Uncautious hatred
For those on whom it relied
Left the bird extinct.
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #deadbird #THEEND #birdshiteexodus #twittermigation #welcometomastodon
#haikufeels #cautious #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #deadbird #theend #birdshiteexodus #twittermigation #welcometomastodon
Be still my mind
My beating head
Which plagues me
with distrust,
Be calmed.
Relax my thoughts,
No secret shadow
Lurks through every
Sealed door
Poised ready to strike.
No threat is here
My anxious brain
No danger lurks
So sleep,
And let me rest.
#poetry #writersofmastadon #PoetryOnMastodon #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems
#vss365 #still #poetry #writersofmastadon #PoetryOnMastodon #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems
Burning through night
Radient flares
Ignighted by passion
Giving light and
Hope to all it touches.
True love shines.
#acrostic #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon @acrostic
#acrosticchallenge #bright #acrostic #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
Deadlines loom over,
Suffocate with heavy time
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #deadlines
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #deadlines
My mind, a vessel.
A thousand untold stories
Fight for birth through ink.
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon @haiku #morninghaiku #dailyhaiku
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #morninghaiku #dailyhaiku