#FensterFreitag heute aus #Berlin. Ein analoges SW-Foto zeigt den #Hauptbahnhof, aufgenommen mit einer #Weltaflex, einer #TLR Mittelformat-Kamera aus der #DDR. Aufnahme müsste aus 2011 stammen.
#analogphotography #analogfotografie
#Fensterfreitag #berlin #Hauptbahnhof #weltaflex #tlr #ddr #analogphotography #analogfotografie
I hesitate to call this a "test" because my methodology is sketchy at best but I did a comparison of some of my medium format cameras.
#filmisnotdead #analog #tlr #6x6 #shootfilmbenice #mittelformat #comparison #weltaflex #rolleicord #pentacon #photography #mf
#filmisnotdead #analog #tlr #6x6 #shootfilmbenice #mittelformat #comparison #weltaflex #rolleicord #pentacon #photography #mf
Week 24 of the WeeklyPic project
Weltaflex, Bergger Pancro 400
#filmisnotdead #Weltaflex #citroen #WeeklyPic #TLR #shootfilmbenice #WeeklyPic
#filmisnotdead #weltaflex #citroen #weeklypic #tlr #shootfilmbenice
Week 13 of the WeeklyPic project.
#weltaflex #filmisnotdead #shootfilmtakenoprisoners #shootfilmbenice #tlr #WeeklyPic #52weeks #analog #photography
#weltaflex #filmisnotdead #shootfilmtakenoprisoners #shootfilmbenice #tlr #weeklypic #52weeks #analog #photography
Week 38 of the WeeklyPic project.
#Weltaflex auf Ilford FP4+
#WeeklyPic #filmisnotdead #52weeks #ruhrpott #mining #bergbaumuseum #glückauf #welta #tlr #ilford #fp4
#weltaflex #weeklypic #filmisnotdead #52weeks #ruhrpott #mining #bergbaumuseum #glückauf #welta #tlr #ilford #fp4
Tried out the #Bergger #Pancro 400 on my #Weltaflex last week and I really like the results. Too bad the 135 format seems to be sold out with their german supplier.
#filmisnotdead #analog #photography #tlr #pancro400 #ishootfilm
#analog #photography #tlr #pancro #weltaflex #filmisnotdead #bergger #pancro400 #ishootfilm
Week four of the WeeklyPic project.
#photography #WeeklyPic #52weeks #weekly #urban #bergger #pancro #weltaflex #filmisnotdead #Mülheim #Ruhrpott https://mastodon.cloud/media/N-EPaflIjsV-1FEX_3Q
#52weeks #weekly #urban #bergger #pancro #weltaflex #photography #weeklypic #filmisnotdead #ruhrpott
Pictures of a 1920s "Silent Movie" #LARP by https://holgers-freunde.de/
#larp #photography #weltaflex #filmisnotdead #1920s
Eva, getting ready for her wedding.
#filmisnotdead #weltaflex #6x6 #KodakTriX #TLR #wedding #bride https://mastodon.cloud/media/4qnt7S8vrMEmqp9RAC4
#bride #filmisnotdead #weltaflex #6x6 #kodaktrix #tlr #wedding
This one's for those who asked me during last weekends 1920s #LARP if my "antique" Camera actually did anything. #Weltaflex on #KodakTMax 400, pushed to ISO 3200. #filmisnotdead #lovefilm #analog #6x6 #push #tlr
#larp #weltaflex #kodaktmax #filmisnotdead #lovefilm #analog #6x6 #tlr
La Mascotte #filmisnotdead #weltaflex #6x6 #KodakTriX #TLR #Paris #Montmartre
#filmisnotdead #weltaflex #6x6 #kodaktrix #tlr #paris #montmartre
Café des 2 Moulins #filmisnotdead #weltaflex #6x6 #KodakTMax #analog #tlr
#filmisnotdead #weltaflex #6x6 #kodaktmax #analog #tlr
Some holiday snaps from #Borkum, several of them taken on #film.
#filmisnotdead #analog #Canon #5d #a1 #weltaflex #6x6 #blackandwhite #seaside
#analog #canon #a1 #6x6 #borkum #film #filmisnotdead #5d #weltaflex #seaside