Avec des bulles, fêter une très belle journée. Se souvenir des 6 dernières jolies années.
Se réjouir de toutes celles à venir : il n'y a rien de plus beau que d'aimer et d'être aimée en retour.
#withlove #sesouvenirdesjolieschoses #happybirthday #wemetontwitter
#withlove #sesouvenirdesjolieschoses #happybirthday #wemetontwitter
So, online dating has been mostly useless for the last 3-1/2 years I've been single. Meeting people through common interests has had zero results. Where else? How? What do you all do?
I just read an article about how GenZ is meeting through Instagram DMs now. Some years ago, there was the Twitter hashtag #WeMetOnTwitter (since repurposed) that was full of stories of people meeting through Twitter DMs. But — gahhhh! — all the advice is that DMing strangers on social media, especially with flirting or to ask them on a date, is considered very creepy and a massive fail. (So, seriously, people, what is it?)
What's left? Standing on a street corner with a sign?
*big sigh*
#wemetontwitter #dating #romance #onlinedating
RT @kaalinthi@twitter.com
@Gupthanism@twitter.com @IAmKeralite@twitter.com #WeMetOnTwitter set set❤️😂🤣🤣
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/kaalinthi/status/1519633758344781827
👨 Harasser?
😎 Stalker?
👨💻 Doxxer?
Have you met one of the following on Twitter?
🤝 Friend
💙 Significant Other
💼 Business Partner
👋 Other
We want to celebrate your connections this Valentine's Day. Tweet your story using #WeMetOnTwitter and we may feature your Tweet in a special Moment.