Recent #widower discoverys…I found this edited snap of me and the very young pup Mole 🐾 taken by my late wife whilst on a wintertime walk at dusk on Saunton Sands in North Devon in 2012. It was on here iPhone Lock Screen.
#widowerreality #wemissthemeveryday ❤️ #sauntonsands #northdevon #mansbestfriend #walkies #beachwalk #gonebutnotforgotten
#gonebutnotforgotten #beachwalk #walkies #mansbestfriend #northdevon #sauntonsands #wemissthemeveryday #widowerreality #widower
Words of wisdom for those of us having a s*+t day 😂
My apologies for the f<^>ing profanity, it does however help with the message 😉
#wordsofwisdom #wisdomoftheday #badday #listentotheuniverse #itsbeenalongday #itsbeenonehellofaday #tomorrowwillbeagoodday #itsnotasbadasyouthink #onedayatatime #widows #widowers #wemissthemeveryday ❤️
#wemissthemeveryday #widowers #widows #onedayatatime #itsnotasbadasyouthink #TomorrowWillBeAGoodDay #itsbeenonehellofaday #itsbeenalongday #listentotheuniverse #badday #Wisdomoftheday #wordsofwisdom
Recent #widower discovery’s update… 👀 On looking for a fresh tea towel after putting a fare few in the washing machine for an energy sapping hot wash I found a previously unknown to me secret draw in the kitchen with another Sixty two!!! Sixty bloody two, plus a very useful tea cosy and judging by my recents burns from using the oven some muchly needed oven gloves 🧤 My Linda was clearly prepping for a future world where there would be a tea towel shortage 😂
#lifecontinues #wemissthemeveryday ❤️
#wemissthemeveryday #lifecontinues #widower