Purée j'arrive pas a erase_flash sur un #esp8266 (#Wemos D1 mini).
J'ai besoin de repouets et de #bidouilleurs !
#arduino #esp32 #electronique #geek
#repouets #retoot #help #bidouille
#esp8266 #wemos #bidouilleurs #arduino #esp32 #electronique #geek #repouets #retoot #help #bidouille
Made my first adafruit/circuitpython pull request. 😀 Board files to build circuitpython for the Lolin S3 Mini.
#circuitpython #esp32 #wemos #opensource
#circuitpython #esp32 #wemos #opensource
Years ago someone gave me one of these Google DIY kits that I had zero use for at that point since I didn't have a spare #RasperryPi and having an Alexa-type device was never my cup of tea: https://aiyprojects.withgoogle.com/voice-v1/
However, since I'm all #Esp32'ing now and looking for stuff to hook up to them, I took another look at the kit and got interested in the microphone hat. Looking around online I found someone had gotten the pinouts of the 5-wire cable, so it was just a matter of connecting it to the right parts one of my #S2 #mini boards.
The #Wemos #S2Mini has the whole I2S thing going on, so I just had to find some good code examples to see if this little board worked.
After some fiddling about, I got that little guy recording to a WAV file to its #SPIFFS file system and hosting a web server so I could download the audio.
The volume is a little low, but it's pretty cool.
However, my idea behind this isn't to record audio but to be a noise detection board that will activate at a specific threshold of sound and do something.
What it will do I have no idea. Maybe use it as an alternate method for detecting if the washing machine is still going.
I am addicted to these little boards. Help.
#rasperrypi #ESP32 #s2 #mini #wemos #s2mini #spiffs
So the #RaspberryPi 3B+ that handles all the bots and web pages and basically everything around here had a very rare lockup the other day and I thought about getting a wifi outlet for it so I could remotely power cycle it in these situations....
but then realized I had my little #ESP32 swarm waiting around. So a little header soldering to the Pi3's RST hole and some header soldering to the #WEMOS S2 Mini plus a quick #Arduino IDE fire-up and ta-da!
now there's a little purple dude running a webserver just waiting on an URL to power up a PIN and create the short that reboots the Pi when needed.
Bonus: it's powered by the Pi itself because even when it locks up, the USB port is alive
Double Bonus: I got to test out the 3D case I whipped up in #FreeCAD (one with #GPIO cutouts on the lid) and it fits pretty damn well!
Here's a picture of the setup; you can see the other Pi boxes from the army tangled up in the #Narnia hell that is the web of cables on its shelf
Not a bad little Sunday afternoon project
#raspberrypi #esp32 #wemos #arduino #freecad #gpio #narnia
My Wemos ESP32+SHT30 sensor bundle is reallly sensitive to how it's placed - when placed horizontally, the microcontroller heats up the temperature sensor above it.
When placed vertically, allowing convection to carry the heat away, it's ~1.5°C colder.
The best would be to have the sensor far away from the ESP32 but that defeats my minimalism goal.
Current consumption of different Wemos D1 boards (mini, pro, v3) during deep sleep:
#esp8266 #iot #wemos #wemosd1 #wemosd1mini #ESPNOW
Current consumption of different Wemos D1 boards (mini, pro, v3) during deep sleep. #esp8266 #IoT #wemos #wemosd1 #wemosd1mini #ESPNOW
#esp8266 #iot #wemos #wemosd1 #wemosd1mini #ESPNOW
I love the #Wemos product line, but I might have made a little oopsie here - the original sensor boards were made for #esp8266 , but I was greedy and went with the #esp32 model.
Now I'm looking at the pinout and it doesn't match, but hopefully it's "just" going to be a config change.
Pushed the latest code cuz why not dunno if anyone out there could use it but I really like basically making a #FLirc dongle out of an #ESP32 #S2 and an IR Receiver
Also here's a crappy pic of the 3D Case I designed for the unit; fits the #WEMOS S2 Mini snugly and has room for GPIO pins and F-F cables hooked up to the Receiver. Pretty proud of it considering it's my first ever attempt at #FreeCAD and #3DPrinting in general.
#Flirc #esp32 #s2 #wemos #freecad #3dprinting
How I made my dumb #TV a little bit smarter with #esp8266 and #ESPHome: https://sometechy.website/smart-home/building-wifi-ir-remote-control-for-any-tv-with-esp8266-and-esphome/
#homeassistant #smarthome #DIY #wemosd1mini #wemos
#tv #esp8266 #esphome #homeassistant #smarthome #DIY #wemosd1mini #wemos
Poor man's thermocouple calibration 🤣 #homeautomation #wemos #homeassistant
#homeautomation #wemos #homeassistant
Right, kit ordered including my first #Wemos D1 Mini! 😎 Never tried one before but it looks simple enough.
I'm surprised so many people use them just for measuring temp and humidity. By the time you're done getting all the bits and putting it together you might as well just get an Aqara ZigBee unit 🤔 I guess that's considered cheating though.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to using it as an RF transceiver 🤞
Battery-Powered ESP8266 Sensor? Never Been Simpler https://hackaday.com/2022/12/31/battery-powered-esp8266-sensor-never-been-simpler/ #WirelessHacks #ArduinoHacks #BatteryHacks #wemosd1mini #wemosminid1 #ESP8266 #Wemosd1 #how-to #Wemos
#WirelessHacks #ArduinoHacks #batteryhacks #wemosd1mini #wemosminid1 #ESP8266 #wemosd1 #how #wemos
Battery-Powered ESP8266 Sensor? Never Been Simpler - Say, you’re starting your electronics journey with a few projects in mind. You hav... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/31/battery-powered-esp8266-sensor-never-been-simpler/ #wirelesshacks #arduinohacks #batteryhacks #wemosd1mini #wemosminid1 #esp8266 #wemosd1 #how-to #wemos
#wemos #how #wemosd1 #esp8266 #wemosminid1 #wemosd1mini #batteryhacks #arduinohacks #wirelesshacks
No hiccups at all so far with #MicroPython #MQTT #Cheerlights on a #WEMOS #D1mini with strip of 4 #NeoPixels - been running fine for 3 hours :)
#micropython #mqtt #cheerlights #wemos #d1mini #neopixels
Okay sent off my first #FreeCAD files to a 3D printing place so we'll see if I actually understood the software and this whole new area of 3D print design.
(Hopefully) Made a case for a #esp32 #WEMOS (or #LOLIN) S2 mini with room for GPIO headers and an IR Receiver and if it turns out I didn't screw up I'll upload that sucker to one of the 3D template sites.
Only been playing with FreeCAD for about 3 days and still learning more and more so fingers crossed these models produce usable results.
That little purple bugger deserves some good cases, dang it!
The reason why it had to be Mini Pro was the external antenna connector. If you're going to use it don't forget to move that 0Ohm resistor next to the antenna into correct position. They come configured to use onboard antenna.
#esp8266 #wemos #wemosd1mini #wemosd1
I bought a Wemos Mini Pro clone that was available quickly but definietly not cheap like a cheap clone. This device has a design problem - it just doesn't work if you power it through 5V pin. The easiest solution is to replace the diode in the indicated place by a solder bridge. It's no longer safe to power it both through USB and 5V pin at the same time, but I'm not going to do that anyway.
#project time - Here we control a string of copper wire LEDs over http using an ESP8266. Great and cheap addition to a home automation setup. https://github.com/andrewl/http2copper-wire-lights
#Arduino #HomeAutomation #HomeAssistant #ESP8266 #Wemos #NodeRed
#project #arduino #homeautomation #homeassistant #esp8266 #wemos #nodered