Para principiantes acostumbrados a trabajar con #Arduino Uno, el siguiente paso obvio para #IoT parece #WemosD1 (una placa similar y muy barata)
No me ha resultado nada trivial conectarla via #blynk, confundido por algunos tutoriales que complican las cosas innecesariamente. Y ninguno lo suficientemente claro para que pueda utilizarlo mi alumnado.
He encontrado la documentación de Blynk también algo confusa y me he guiado por los ej. de la IDE de Arduino para obtener un código sencillo.
Current consumption of different Wemos D1 boards (mini, pro, v3) during deep sleep:
#esp8266 #iot #wemos #wemosd1 #wemosd1mini #ESPNOW
Current consumption of different Wemos D1 boards (mini, pro, v3) during deep sleep. #esp8266 #IoT #wemos #wemosd1 #wemosd1mini #ESPNOW
#esp8266 #iot #wemos #wemosd1 #wemosd1mini #ESPNOW
Battery-Powered ESP8266 Sensor? Never Been Simpler #WirelessHacks #ArduinoHacks #BatteryHacks #wemosd1mini #wemosminid1 #ESP8266 #Wemosd1 #how-to #Wemos
#WirelessHacks #ArduinoHacks #batteryhacks #wemosd1mini #wemosminid1 #ESP8266 #wemosd1 #how #wemos
Battery-Powered ESP8266 Sensor? Never Been Simpler - Say, you’re starting your electronics journey with a few projects in mind. You hav... - #wirelesshacks #arduinohacks #batteryhacks #wemosd1mini #wemosminid1 #esp8266 #wemosd1 #how-to #wemos
#wemos #how #wemosd1 #esp8266 #wemosminid1 #wemosd1mini #batteryhacks #arduinohacks #wirelesshacks
The reason why it had to be Mini Pro was the external antenna connector. If you're going to use it don't forget to move that 0Ohm resistor next to the antenna into correct position. They come configured to use onboard antenna.
#esp8266 #wemos #wemosd1mini #wemosd1
There was a Wemos D1 mini laying around and a good SHT35 sensor arrived today.
So I quickly connected them and installed ESPHome to get more accurate sensor data... the BME280 I used before is not so good if you want to get ambient temperature and humidity data because the PCB heats itself up a bit (even with 120sec timeout)
#esphome #wemosd1 #sht35 #esp8266 #homeassistant
Slap This Big Red Button for an Instant Social Media Detox - Dangerous machines, like ones that can quickly reduce you to a fine red mist or a ... - #internethacks #dnsoverhttps #socialmedia #blocker #wemosd1 #detox #doh #iot #spi #vpn
#vpn #spi #iot #doh #detox #wemosd1 #blocker #socialmedia #dnsoverhttps #internethacks