The newest (and final) season of #JackRyan unexpectedly & unceremoniously dropped on #AmazonPrime TODAY. 😲😃
Fans of the show are commenting on soxial media that they had been waiting to hear an announcement of a release date, only to be surprised to discover that new episodes are already streaming.
#TomClancysJackRyan Season 4 stars #JohnKrasinski and #WendellPierce.
#jackryan #amazonprime #tomclancysjackryan #johnkrasinski #wendellpierce #jackryan4 #jackryanseason4 #jackryanonprime #nowstreaming
JACK RYAN: Season 4 TV Show Trailer: John Krasinski’s Final Mission for CIA begins on June 30 [Prime Video]
#FilmBook #TVShowTrailer #AbbieCornish #BettyGabriel #JackRyan #JohnKrasinski #MichaelKelly #MichaelPena #PrimeVideo #TomClancysJackRyan #TVShowTrailer #WendellPierce
#filmbook #tvshowtrailer #abbiecornish #bettygabriel #jackryan #johnkrasinski #michaelkelly #michaelpena #primevideo #tomclancysjackryan #wendellpierce
Speaking of drunk audience members who disrupt live Broadway performances, are any of you trying the Dry January challenge in 2023?
#alcohol #sobriety #dryjanuary #blackmastodon #wendellpierce #deathofasalesman
#theater recommendation: if #DeathofaSalesman has gotten to be too much of a museum piece for you, check out the current revival on Broadway. You’ll hear it with fresh ears. #WendellPierce & Sharon D. Clarke bring fresh insight to their roles. #ArthurMiller #theatre 🎭
#theatre #ArthurMiller #wendellpierce #deathofasalesman #theater