Hi, I’m Adlai. I’m an artist and writer but primarily I have SP multiple sclerosis. It dominates and devours my life. I’m trying to figure out how to manage an art and poetry blog without it being permeated by my kvetching about being in pain and being disabled. I’m still working on that. #MSChat #multiplesclerosisart #multiplesclerosis #art #poetry #maryruefle #wendyartin
#introductionpost #MSChat #multiplesclerosisart #multiplesclerosis #art #poetry #maryruefle #wendyartin
My #introduction (part one)
Hi. I’m Adlai. I try to devote myself to making art while #multiplesclerosis seems to be devoted to ripping me apart.
Sorry to be so gloomy there, but I had to get that out of the way.
Originally from the States, I’ve been living in the Czech Republic for the past 16 years. My passions include #maryruefle, #elizabethbishop, #wallacestevens, #borges, #bach, #Schnittke, #wendyartin, #linguistics, #gratefuldead, #ontology, #epistemology and all sorts …
#introduction #multiplesclerosis #maryruefle #elizabethbishop #wallacestevens #borges #bach #Schnittke #wendyartin #linguistics #gratefuldead #ontology #epistemology