Dit is boeiend. #LowLightMixes gaat jaar voor jaar door de elektronische muziek van de #jaren70 #seventies met iedere keer een mix van een uur. Vandaag is het jaar 1972 aan de beurt, met onder andere #Cluster, #TerryRiley, #KlausSchulze, #Kraftwerk, #WendyCarlos, #TangerineDream, #Neu! en #PinkFloyd. Luisteren!
#pinkfloyd #neu #tangerinedream #wendycarlos #kraftwerk #klausschulze #TerryRiley #cluster #seventies #jaren70 #lowlightmixes
I have just discovered the personal website of #WendyCarlos, which hasn't been updated since 2008
it is such a charming, nostalgic look back at Web 1.0 #internethistory when it was a real pain to code your own site from scratch in HTML, and to upload everything using FTP, so you did it out of enthusiasm and a genuine desire to archive and connect
To me they're full of optimism and generosity and there's something charming about how unguarded they are
These sites became crazy warrens because you'd just add another page or section whenever you wanted, and there wasn't always a strong sitemap structure with clear pathways
Now the whole internet is falling to #enshittification I find real comfort in terrible old sites, with their repeating wallpaper backgrounds, galleries full of tiny photos, and heaps of different text sizes and colours
Carlos has a memorial page for her dad that I found quite moving. She writes:
"At first I couldn't bring myself to take the methodical steps to assemble another new section to this sprawling mess of a website that's my metaphorical home in the ether. Yet there was an indescribable warmth in knowing that after several of my friends and animal friends had passed on, their names and faces would continue to 'float about' in that internet ether. I know, that's soppy and silly, but I can't quite convince myself that there's not a spooky kinda 'magic' to it, as if an analog of a friendly ghost were thereby conjured from the depths of html++..."
She also has a photo gallery dedicated to her Siamese cats.
I hope Wendy is well. Wikipedia tells me that much of her discography is out of print and hasn't been licensed for digital formats. Carlos owns her copyright and is deliberately keeping it analog. I also note she has copyright watermarks on all the images on her site
#wendycarlos #internethistory #enshittification
He's always been brilliant but #RedMeansRecording is now easily my fave tech #YouTuber
Because he actually fucking cares about people.
Every comments page, every forum is stuffed with Clarksons, gammons, flagshaggers, TERFs and outright Nazis.
So this video is like a glass of cold, superfuckingtasty water in a desert of fucknuts:
Go give him a follow: @jjbbllkk
#TransRights #SynthesizersAreTrans #ComputersAreGay #WendyCarlos #MutableInstruments
#mutableinstruments #wendycarlos #computersaregay #synthesizersaretrans #transrights #youtuber #redmeansrecording
The track "On Mamas" by Talib Kweli and Diamond D contains what sounds like an imitation/homage to Wendy Carlos' Switched-On Bach. Diamond D uses a lot of synth on the album so I'm guessing he's a synth nerd and he made the track as an homage. There is something on Spotify called "Switched On Bach" which is _not_ the same thing. Here is the original: https://archive.org/details/lp_switched-on-bach_walter-carlos_2 #synth #WendyCarlos #Bach #TalibKweli #HipHop
#synth #wendycarlos #bach #talibkweli #hiphop
Purcell, Funeral March for Queen Mary on moog by Wendy Carlos from #aclockworkorange #wendycarlos #purcell
#purcell #wendycarlos #aclockworkorange
How Wendy Carlos (who recorded the soundtrack for the movie "Clockwork Orange" and a lot more) became one of the most influential pioneers of electronic music
#synths #synthfluencer #filmscore #wendycarlos
One of the more respectful articles about the electronic music / synthesis pioneer Wendy Carlos.
Got tickets tomorrow to see #SistersWithTransistors, about female electronic musicians. Narrated by #LaurieAnderson, includes #DeliaDerbyshire (#DrWho) and #BebeBarron ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7r-3hlzpV7M
Curiously, Wikipedia includes #WendyCarlos, but the official site and trailer do not mention her.
#SistersWithTransistors #laurieanderson #deliaderbyshire #drwho #bebebarron #wendycarlos
Think I will crack open that #WendyCarlos #Vinyl this weekend.
#Synthesizer #SynthLove #LookMumNoComputer
#wendycarlos #vinyl #synthesizer #synthlove #lookmumnocomputer
I saw the viral video from year 1970 on which Wendy Carlos talks about her Moog synthesizer, and I just had to get one of her records to my collection.
Listening to this right now.
#wendycarlos #vinyls #vinylrecords
@tugboatmcpuppy pre-dreamweaver, even!
#synth #wendycarlos #retrocomputing #webdev #webbrutalism
Wendy Carlos explains synthesizers in 1970. Really fascinating look at the roots of electronic music.
#music #moog #WendyCarlos
My dad bought two Switched on Bach LPs in the early 70s - I listened to these a LOT as a kid/teen. Later on, I started buying albums by Vangelis, Jean-Michel Jarre and Tangerine Dream, but my love of #electronicMusic began with #WendyCarlos.
Watch "Wendy Carlos Interview 1989 BBC Two" on YouTube
#music #wendycarlos #electronicmusic
$60 Later I am so looking forward to finally owning this #WendyCarlos #Vinyl #VinylLove re-release. So cool they had Bach standing up in this one.
#wendycarlos #vinyl #vinyllove
New post— Episode 6: Happy International Clash Day. Why “Spanish Bombs” is their best song, the Grammys, Sam Smith, Kim Petras, Wendy Carlos, 50 years of hip hop, and the great Billy Bragg. https://twominutesfiftynine.com/2023/02/10/episode-6-happy-international-clash-day/ #TheClash #TheOnlyBandThatMatters #Grammys #SamSmith #KimPetras #WendyCarlos #LGBTQ+ #HipHop #BillyBragg
#billybragg #hiphop #lgbtq #wendycarlos #kimpetras #samsmith #Grammys #theonlybandthatmatters #theclash
Now playing Zoë Blade - Switched on Marx
A nod to Wendy Carlos' "Switched On" series, new spins on classical music. Short tracks, good for short attention spans.
#NowPlaying #NewMusic #Bandcamp #ZoeBlade #ElectronicMusic #ClassicalMusic #WendyCarlos #SwitchedOn #synthesizer
#synthesizer #switchedon #wendycarlos #classicalmusic #electronicmusic #zoeblade #bandcamp #newmusic #nowplaying
Big “Congrats” to Grammy winners Kim Petra, Sam Smith, and Emerson Mancini.
But I’m also enjoying that some members of the press are crying, “But, but, but, WENDY!”
@sequethin Wendy!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKtg6Q9ARCU#t=58s #electronicMusic #psychedelic #wendyCarlos
#electronicmusic #psychedelic #wendycarlos