Yup. https://thespinoff.co.nz/society/24-02-2023/the-side-eye-a-climate-change-reality-check #WeNeedToChange We haven't got time for more of the same. We need progressive, drastic action on both environmental and social justice. Never Nats. No more Labour. No more conservative anything. It's way too late for that. We need collective, constructive action. We need leaders who do hard things rather than pandering to the current power brokers.
While we all want to start 2023 fresh, we need to still take heed of what has and is happening all around the world. Since I posted this last NYE not much has changed, if anything it is worse.
#wemustdobetter #wehavetodobetter #timeforchange #dobetter #bebetter #changeisnecessary #thiscurrentworldisfuckedup #weneedtochange #fuckedupworld #abetterworldforall #stopbeingadick #changetheworldforthebetter #changetheworld
#wemustdobetter #wehavetodobetter #timeforchange #dobetter #bebetter #changeisnecessary #thiscurrentworldisfuckedup #weneedtochange #fuckedupworld #abetterworldforall #stopbeingadick #changetheworldforthebetter #changetheworld
While we all want to start 2023 fresh, we need to still take heed of what has and is happening all around the world. Since I posted this last NYE not much has changed, if anything it is worse.
#wemustdobetter #wehavetodobetter #timeforchange #dobetter #bebetter #changeisnecessary #thiscurrentworldisfuckedup #weneedtochange #fuckedupworld #abetterworldforall #stopbeingadick #changetheworldforthebetter #changetheworld
#wemustdobetter #wehavetodobetter #timeforchange #dobetter #bebetter #changeisnecessary #thiscurrentworldisfuckedup #weneedtochange #fuckedupworld #abetterworldforall #stopbeingadick #changetheworldforthebetter #changetheworld
#wemustdobetter #wehavetodobetter #timeforchange #dobetter #bebetter #changeisnecessary #thiscurrentworldisfuckedup #weneedtochange #fuckedupworld #abetterworldforall #stopbeingadick #changetheworldforthebetter #changetheworld
#wemustdobetter #wehavetodobetter #timeforchange #dobetter #bebetter #changeisnecessary #thiscurrentworldisfuckedup #weneedtochange #fuckedupworld #abetterworldforall #stopbeingadick #changetheworldforthebetter #changetheworld