päivän #Graeber
...tai maybe #Wengrow, koska kirjasta The Dawn Of Everything.
keskustelemassa n v. 1703 amerikkalainen Kandiaronk ja ranskalainen Lahontan.
” In conclusion, he swings back to his original observation: the whole apparatus of trying to force people to behave well would be unnecessary if France did not also maintain a contrary apparatus that encourages people to behave badly. That apparatus consisted of money, property rights and the resultant pursuit of material self-interest:”
Eines der Themen von The Dawn of Everything (Graeber und Wengrow, ein faszinierendes Buch) ist, dass "die Menschen der Jungsteinzeit zu komplexen technischen Leistungen fähig waren, ohne dass sie eine zentralisierte staatliche Autorität benötigten".
Der Archäologe David Wengrow ist Albertus-Magnus Professor in 2023 und hält zwei öffentliche Vorlesungen und ein Seminar an der Universität zu Köln
#uniköln #Wengrow #Archäologie
From 28 to 30 June 2023, David Wengrow will give two public lectures and a seminar as Albertus Magnus Professor at the University of Cologne
#unikoln #wengrow #archaologie
I disagree with #Graeber and/or #Wengrow's idea that asking where inequality comes from necessarily implies the existence of a past era of equality. Like... even if the first time one cell divided into two, the second was somehow subordinate to the first, *that would be an answer to the question*
#DawnOfEverything #TheDawnOfEverything
#graeber #wengrow #DawnOfEverything #TheDawnOfEverything
I have been thinking a bit about #exile recently. It is pretty incoherent, so I went back to #Plato. I had never appreciated how moving #Socrates' apology is or how politically brilliant, despite his protestations.
I am not much closer to clarifying my thoughts on exile. I still think that the deep stuff in the #Crito is a kind of context principle, an individual is a human only in the context of a polis. Of course, it's the individuals though who determine the value of the collective.
I also noticed, thanks to #Graeber and #Wengrow, that Socrates makes the claim that because Athens has regulated sex, marriage, the family and the education of the young, he is owned in some sense by Athens. In short, care implies ownership which entails the right to domination. Presumably, part of the 'personal is political' critique has this sort of argument in mind, but how is that to be developed?
#exile #plato #socrates #crito #graeber #wengrow
David Graeber and David Wengrow d/listed "basic forms of social liberty
which one might actually put into practice". Would it be possible to have a just, equal and free society based on just those freedoms? Any thoughts? Something missing?
(1) the freedom to move away
or relocate from one’s surroundings;
(2) the freedom to ignore or disobey
commands issued by others; and
(3) the freedom to shape entirely new
social realities, or shift back and forth between different ones.
#graeber #wengrow #freedom #anarchism
"Det antyds till exempel att privategendomen kan har religiöst ursprung, dvs handla i första hand om religiösa föremål. De resonerar också om en alternativ händelsekedja för domesticering av spannmål, där den första orsaken till att samla ihop dessa kraftigt växande gräs var för att bygga hus eller fläta korgar. ... Mycket av bokens värde ligger just i de tankar den väcker hos den som läser med ett öppet sinne."
Gunnar Rundgren om #Graeber & #Wengrow:
https://tradgardenjorden.blogspot.com/2023/02/borjan-pa-allt-david-david-mot-goliat.html (via @Anders_S)
“Public torture, in seventeenth-century Europe, created searing, unforgettable spectacles of pain and suffering in order to convey the message that a system in which husbands could brutalize wives, and parents beat children, was ultimately a form of love… It seems to us that this connection – or better perhaps confusion – between #care and #domination is utterly critical to the larger questions of how we lost the ability freely to recreate ourselves by recreating our relationships with one another. It is critical, that is, to understanding how we got stuck, and why these days we can hardly envisage our own past or future as anything other than a transition from smaller to larger cages.”
― David #Graeber and David #Wengrow, in "The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity" #history #learning #learn #property #family #sociology #anthropology #law #patriarchy #bioPower #reputation #honour
#care #domination #graeber #wengrow #history #learning #learn #property #family #sociology #anthropology #law #patriarchy #biopower #reputation #honour
"La torture publique, dans l'Europe du XVIIe siècle, créait des spectacles de douleur et de souffrance brûlants et inoubliables afin de faire passer le message qu'un système dans lequel les maris pouvaient brutaliser leurs épouses, et les parents battre leurs enfants, était en fin de compte une forme d'amour... Il nous semble que ce lien - ou mieux peut-être cette confusion - entre #soin et #domination est tout à fait essentiel aux questions plus vastes de savoir comment nous avons perdu la capacité de nous recréer librement en recréant nos relations les uns avec les autres. Il est essentiel, en d'autres termes, de comprendre comment nous sommes restés bloqué·es et pourquoi, de nos jours, nous ne pouvons guère envisager notre passé ou notre avenir autrement que comme une transition de cages de plus en plus grandes."
― David #Graeber et David #Wengrow, in "The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity" #histoire #apprendre #propriété #famille #sociologie #anthropologie #droit #dominationMasculine #bioPouvoir #réputation #honneur
#soin #domination #graeber #wengrow #histoire #apprendre #propriete #famille #sociologie #anthropologie #droit #dominationmasculine #biopouvoir #reputation #honneur
"La torture publique, dans l'Europe du XVIIe siècle, créait des spectacles de douleur et de souffrance brûlants et inoubliables afin de faire passer le message qu'un système dans lequel les maris pouvaient brutaliser leurs épouses, et les parents battre leurs enfants, était en fin de compte une forme d'amour... Il nous semble que ce lien - ou mieux peut-être cette confusion - entre #soin et #domination est tout à fait essentiel aux questions plus vastes de savoir comment nous avons perdu la capacité de nous recréer librement en recréant nos relations les uns avec les autres. Il est essentiel, en d'autres termes, de comprendre comment nous sommes restés bloqué·es et pourquoi, de nos jours, nous ne pouvons guère envisager notre passé ou notre avenir autrement que comme une transition de cages de plus en plus grandes."
― David #Graeber et David #Wengrow, in "The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity" #propriété #famille #sociologie #anthropologie #droit #dominationMasculine #bioPouvoir #réputation #honneur
#soin #domination #graeber #wengrow #propriete #famille #sociologie #anthropologie #droit #dominationmasculine #biopouvoir #reputation #honneur
“Public torture, in seventeenth-century Europe, created searing, unforgettable spectacles of pain and suffering in order to convey the message that a system in which husbands could brutalize wives, and parents beat children, was ultimately a form of love… It seems to us that this connection – or better perhaps confusion – between #care and #domination is utterly critical to the larger questions of how we lost the ability freely to recreate ourselves by recreating our relationships with one another. It is critical, that is, to understanding how we got stuck, and why these days we can hardly envisage our own past or future as anything other than a transition from smaller to larger cages.”
― David #Graeber and David #Wengrow, in "The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity" #property #family #sociology #anthropology #law #patriarchy #bioPower #reputation #honour
#care #domination #graeber #wengrow #property #family #sociology #anthropology #law #patriarchy #biopower #reputation #honour
“What makes the Roman Law conception of property - the basis of almost all legal systems today - unique is that the responsibility to care and share is reduced to a minimum, or even eliminated entirely. In Roman Law there are three basic rights related to possession: usus (the right to use), fructus (the right to enjoy the products of a property, for instance the fruit of a tree), and abusus (the right to damage or destroy). If one has only the first two rights, this is referred to as usufruct, and is not considered true possession under the law. The defining feature of true legal #property then, is that one has the option not taking care of it, or even destroying it at will.”
― David #Graeber and David #Wengrow, in "The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity" #slavery #family #familia #sociology #anthropology #law #patriarchy #bioPower #reputation #honor
#property #graeber #wengrow #slavery #family #familia #sociology #anthropology #law #patriarchy #biopower #reputation #Honor
"Ce qui rend la conception du droit romain de la propriété - la base de presque tous les systèmes juridiques d'aujourd'hui - unique est que la responsabilité de prendre soin et de partager est réduite au minimum, voire entièrement éliminée. En droit romain, il existe trois droits fondamentaux liés à la possession : usus (le droit d'utiliser), fructus (le droit de jouir des produits d'un bien, par exemple le fruit d'un arbre) et abusus (le droit d'endommager ou de détruire). Si l'on ne dispose que des deux premiers droits, on parle d'usufruit, et la loi ne considère pas qu'il s'agit d'une véritable possession. La caractéristique de la véritable #propriété légale est donc que l'on a la possibilité de ne pas en prendre soin, voire de la détruire à volonté."
― David #Graeber et David #Wengrow, in "The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity" #esclavage #famille #familia #sociologie #anthropologie #droit #dominationMasculine #bioPouvoir #réputation #honneur
#propriete #graeber #wengrow #esclavage #famille #familia #sociologie #anthropologie #droit #dominationmasculine #biopouvoir #reputation #honneur
“...Slavery finds its origins in war. But everywhere we encounter it slavery is also, at first, a domestic institution. Hierarch and property my derive from notion of the sacred, but the most brutal forms of exploitation have their origins in the intimate of social relations: as perversions of nurture, love and caring. Certainly, those origins are not to be found in government...”
― David #Graeber and David #Wengrow, in "The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity" #slavery #family
#graeber #wengrow #slavery #family
"...L'esclavage trouve ses origines dans la guerre. Mais partout où nous le rencontrons, l'esclavage est aussi, au départ, une institution domestique. La hiérarchie et la propriété dérivent de la notion de sacré, mais les formes les plus brutales d'exploitation trouvent leur origine dans l'intimité des relations sociales : comme des perversions de l'éducation, de l'amour et de la sollicitude. Ces origines ne se trouvent certainement pas dans le gouvernement..."
― David #Graeber and David #Wengrow, in "The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity" #esclavage #famille
#graeber #wengrow #esclavage #famille
#sociology So I'm reading an early edition of Gellner's #Nations and #Nationalism. I had read an excerpt- his main case for nationhood and nationalism being heavily #modernist, rooted in the #industrial age, and the most controversial claim I think he makes- that a nation's #history
and a lot of what constitutes its #culture are, well not "fabricated" but a reconstruction.
As Anderson talks about in Imagined Communities, the very nature of a nation is it is a binding agent between a group where no one person can ever meet everyone in the outlined group. A lot of unifying culture can be understood as very particular, but through writing, cultural showcases, and the like, made to say they were in time immemorial a widespread unifying practice.
What I'm getting to is reading #Graeber and #Wengrow in The Dawn of Everything, how it invites us to think about what prehistory and the dawn of history were like, and the nature of a nation's origins.
Graeber through all his works was about using his deep knowledge of living communities as a way to propose alternative ways of living, alternative explanations, and create a critique of assumptions. In #Debt he goes on an attack of the believed barter period that predates societies that adopted money.
In Dawn the question is whether the thinkers of classic social thinkers are working off an ahistorical or lightly empirical view of "the state of nature" and how so much social theory derives from thinkers that predate modern archeology and anthropology.
I saw some academics be dismissive of Graeber and Wengrow. They do come into political philosophy with an interpretation but it's a difficult task to bridge knowledge of what Hobbes and Rosseau and others allege, and those thinkers themselves. I do think Graeber always issued important challenges to his readers and the larger community that studies bureaucracy, or kingship, or modern work, or value.
The challenge is thus: when we are discussing, writing, shooting the breeze at a cafe or a late night establishment, how do we relate the ongoing task of assembling primary sources, archeological sites, and the everlasting process of rediscovering scholars who were left out of our education or reading list? In some cases, are we really basing "knowledge" on a series of assumptions going back decades or centuries in social thinking?
#sociology #socialtheory #anthropology #theory #rosseau #hobbes #nature #origins
#sociology #nations #Nationalism #modernist #industrial #history #culture #graeber #wengrow #debt #socialtheory #anthropology #theory #rosseau #Hobbes #nature #origins
Wenn die Darstellung verschiedener Organisationsformen (autoritär, bürokratisch, funktional-hierachisch, agil etc.) mit dem Hinweis auf "eine neue Geschichte der Menschheit" von #Graeber und #Wengrow (2021) schließt, lässt sich erahnen, was den Autorinnen der "entfalteten Organisation" #Breitenbach und #Rollow so vorschweben könnte: Die Realisierung von #Freiheit im Sinne der Erfindung völlig neuer gesellschaftlicher Realitäten.
#graeber #wengrow #Breitenbach #rollow #freiheit
Estoy acabando "El Amanecer de todo", libro escrito a cuatro manos por el antropólogo David #Graeber y el arqueólogo David #Wengrow.
Es un maravilloso ejercicio de contrahistoria que reescribe el neolítico refutando los principios de la guerra hobbesiana de todos contra todos y el evolucionismo antropológico, con su asunción del Estado como culminación de la organización social.
Una profunda reflexión acerca de los orígenes de la desigualdad.
Recomendado a cualquiera que ame el #anarquismo.
Et maintenant j'ai très envie de faire une lecture de Genèse 1-2 en croisant #Graeber, #Wengrow et #Ricœur.
#graeber #wengrow #ricœur #anthropologie #theologie #creation #ricoeur
Depuis quelques années, j'ai beaucoup de mal à lire, entre les rézosocios, le boulot, les enfants, … et j'ai toujours eu du mal à finir mes livres.
Je ne suis donc pas peu fier d'avoir fini hier un gros morceau : *Au commencement était…* de #Graeber et #Wengrow. Il m'a fallu six mois pour avaler les 700 pages passionnantes qui remettent en débat beaucoup d'idées reçues sur les origines de notre ordre social hiérarchisé et autoritaire. À lire !
#graeber #wengrow #anthropologie #archeologie