Here's a #wenhop update for #HLV #ULAVulcan by Tory Bruno
@torybruno who writes
“Looking good for a launch this year.“ #VulcanRocket
Tory Bruno @torybruno
Just left the Rocket Factory. Finishing up welding the reinforced Centaur V forward dome onto the rest of the completed CV tank. Looking good for a launch this year. #VulcanRocket
#wenhop #HLV #ULAVulcan #vulcanrocket
Here's a #wenhop update for #HLV #Ariane6 from
"However, the inaugural flight is now scheduled for 2024."
Eric Berger @SciGuySpace
More confirmation that the hot fire test of the Ariane 6 rocket will (inexplicably) not be streamed live. From ESA's new FAQ source PDF here that later Berger provided:
Here's a #wenhop update for @boeingspace #Starliner launching on an #ULAAtlasV
Boeing delayed the flight from ~summer 2023 to N.E.T. March 2024
@sciguyspace Eric Berger @SciGuySpace
Boeing's Mark Nappi says they envision Starliner being ready for a crewed launch in March 2024; but still need to work with ULA on Atlas availability and NASA on the ISS visiting vehicle schedule. So NET March, and quite possibly later.
Here's a #wenhop update for #HLV #ULAVulcan by Eric Berger @sciguyspace aka
Eric quotes ULA as “working toward flying the Vulcan rocket on its debut mission during" Q4 2023
Read the full story here:
Here's a #wenhop update for
#HLV #SpaceXStarship with
"SpaceX will need another six weeks or so"
which means flying as soon as August or September 2023!
Elon Musk says SpaceX will need another six weeks or so to finish implementing hundreds of changes to its Super Heavy-Starship rocket and the gargantuan booster’s Texas launch pad before it will be ready for a second attempt to reach orbit:
RT @stoke_space
Updated ground systems. Updated software. Updated procedures. WDR#2 complete and almost ready to mate engine and make fire.🔥 #wenhop
Here's a #wenhop update for #HLV #SpaceXStarship
@TGMetsFan98 writes, "per FAA Advisory, @SpaceX #Starship orbital test flight #OFT1 is targeting Monday, April 10, N.E.T. 9:10 EDT 8:10 AM CDT 13:10 UTC"
Thomas Burghardt @TGMetsFan98 Apr 4
According to an FAA Operations Plan Advisory released just now, the Starship orbital test flight is targeting Monday, April 10, no earlier than 8:10 AM CDT (13:10 UTC).
Note: this does not mean that the launch license has been issued.
#wenhop #HLV #SpaceXStarship #Starship #oft1
Here's a #wenhop update for @boeingspace #Starliner launching on an #ULAAtlasV
NASA delayed the flight from ~April to N.E.T. July 21
Steve Stich, Mgr Commercial Crew, said time is needed for pre-flight review, certification of the parachute system & ISS schedule June / July
Read more on Ars:
1/ Here's a #wenhop update for @boeingspace #Starliner launching on an #ULAAtlasV
CFT scheduled "after Axiom Mission 2"
On 17-Feb, status was "80% through" work to be human-rated & fly
As of 23-Mar its, "adjusting teams assess readiness & complete verification"
Here's a #wenhop update for #HLV #ULAVulcan by @jeff_foust
N.E.T. 4 May and identifies several gating factors
ULA's Tory Bruno says they are targeting no earlier than May 4 for the first Vulcan Centaur launch. Based on several issues, including BE-4 qualification testing and launch windows for the Astrobotic Peregrine lander.
Here's a #wenhop update for @boeingspace #Starliner launching on an #ULAAtlasV
Jamie Groh @Florida_Today cites NASA's Steve Stich, Mgr of Commercial Crew
"from the station manifest perspective, the window is" ~15-30 April
We're "80% through" the work to be human-rated & fly
Read all of Jamie's story here:
Here's a #wenhop update for #HLV #ULAVulcan by Eric Berger @sciguyspace aka @SciGuySpace
Eric concludes that “This very likely pushes the debut of Vulcan into May. The readiness of Peregrine, and progress made during Vulcan's testing, may push that date later into the year.”
Read the full story here:
Here's a #wenhop update for @boeingspace #Starliner launching on an #ULAAtlasV N.E.T. April 2023 to test the system prior to regular flights with crew to the station #ISS
NASA Commercial Crew @Commercial_Crew
✅ The @Boeingspace CST-100 Starliner’s crew and service modules were mated in prep for the #Starliner's Crew Flight Test (CFT) launch of @NASAAstronauts to the @Space_Station later this year!
Learn more:
#wenhop #starliner #ulaatlasv #iss
Here's a #wenhop update for #HLV #ULAVulcan for @ToryBruno
The booster is enroute to #SLC41 via the ocean-going #ULARocketShip
Here's some background on SLC-41
#wenhop #HLV #ULAVulcan #slc41 #ularocketship
#wenhop UPDATE #ProjectKuiper provider @ABLspacesystems
is now targeting N.E.T. 9 January for the debut launch of its new #RS1
See the ABL announcement here:
Read more about the RS1
Here's a #wenhop update for #HLV #SpaceXStarship
Eric Berger aka @sciguyspace @SciGuySpace writes
Thirty days left in the year ... Much technical work remains ... SpaceX must also obtain a launch license from the FAA, which is in progress ... While it remains theoretically possible that Starship will make its orbital launch attempt in December, there is an increasing likelihood that the test flight will slip into the early part of 2023.
@SpaceX #Starship
#wenhop #HLV #SpaceXStarship #Starship
#wenhop UPDATE #ProjectKuiper provider @ABLspacesystems is now targeting ~7 December for the debut launch of its new #RS1
See the ABL announcement here:
Read more about the RS1
Here’s a quick #introduction
I’m here to catch up the latest news on my interests, hear the ideas of others, & share my thoughts & ideas
I’ll cross post on #mastodon, #spacetwitter & a blog
My main interest are #newtechnology & #space & #climatechange
Space & rockets #NASA #NASAspaceflight #octagrabber #mainenginecutoff #wenhop #HLV #ProjectKuiper #SpaceX #ULA #BlueOrigin
New technology #network #virtualreality #proximity #Quantum
Climate change action #collectiveaction
#introduction #mastodon #spacetwitter #newtechnology #space #climatechange #nasa #NASAspaceflight #octagrabber #mainenginecutoff #wenhop #HLV #ProjectKuiper #spacex #ula #BlueOrigin #network #virtualreality #proximity #quantum #collectiveaction
Here's my updated roundup of #wenhop "not earlier than" dates for new #HLV rockets
- #Ariane6 “Q4 2023”
- #NewGlenn “2023”
- #SLS “November 14th 2022”
- #SpaceXStarship “early December 2022”
- #ULAVulcan “2023”
I will update as news breaks with #wenhop
#wenhop #HLV #Ariane6 #NewGlenn #sls #SpaceXStarship #ULAVulcan