Saw an opportunity I *could not* resist. Happy 1k, #chengqing!!
Recognition by #westiec
#TheUntamedFanfic #WenQing #JiangCheng #T4T #TransCharacters
#chengqing #westiec #theuntamedfanfic #wenqing #jiangcheng #t4t #transcharacters
Fic: blood in the water, smoke in the sky
#theuntamed #MDZS #CQL
#WenQing / #JiangCheng
#chengqing, #qingcheng
8k, T, hurt/comfort, canon divergence
"'Surely my little cousin hasn’t turned up here to defend Jiang dogs?' Wen Chao demands.
'I want this one.'
Wen Chao blinks. 'What?'
'I want Jiang Wanyin.'"
Wen Qing goes with her brother to Lotus Pier after its fall, only to find Jiang Cheng in the hands of her cousin.
#theuntamed #mdzs #cql #wenqing #jiangcheng #chengqing #qingcheng
please enjoy a new entry in my Kinky Big Sibs OT4 Modern AU, which hilariously ALSO features the "let's take care of a tired Wen Qing" agenda
#puckwrites #fanfics #wenqing #bigsibsot4
New fic: Wen Qing is a doctor. Above all she preserves life. Sometimes that may not be a good thing.
#modaozushi #wenqing #fanfic #puckwrites
I got not one but TWO bodysharing #ChengQing fics this exchange season!
First: "through my [atmosphere]", a space AU wherein both Wen Qing and Jiang Cheng are space creatures:
Second: "Borne", a close-to-canon AU where Wen Qing's spirit occupies Jiang Cheng's body after her bodily death:
#ficrecs #modaozushi #theuntamed #jiangcheng #wenqing #bodysharing
#chengqing #ficrecs #modaozushi #theuntamed #jiangcheng #wenqing #bodysharing
moving yet another fic promo post over here
"Your Life Again, Your Life Anew"
❤️🩹three works, 30K words total
❤️🩹Wen Qing Lives!
❤️🩹 And takes on Jin Ling as student
❤️🩹Found family (literal and figurative)
❤️🩹Healing (literal and figurative)
❤️🩹The comforting ritual of tea
❤️🩹A smidgen of plant magic
This one of the most "me" things I have ever written
#wenqing #cql #mdzs #TheUntamed #forestofglory
your open mind
✍️ fic by #plonk
📦 #TheUntamed #MoDaoZuShi
📦 #JiangCheng / #WenQing
📦 #LanWangji / #WeiWuxian
📦 4k, not rated (Mature?)
📦 30-year-old virgin JC is hit by the #CherryMagic telepathy curse
📦 He wants a woman to humiliate him
📦 LWJ also understands the curse and drives JC mad with his own thoughts about WWX
#DecRecs #FicRec #MDZSFicRec #MDZS #ChengQingFicRec #ChengQing #WangXianFicRec #WangXian #NSFW #ModernCultivationAU #CherryMagicAU #Telepathy
#plonk #theuntamed #modaozushi #jiangcheng #wenqing #lanwangji #weiwuxian #CherryMagic #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #mdzs #chengqingficrec #chengqing #wangxianficrec #wangxian #nsfw #moderncultivationau #cherrymagicau #telepathy
For #DecRecs today I'm reccing "The Past Didn't Go Anywhere" by FairestCat a short an gorgeous Wen Qing lives fic (gen, #TheUntamed 2k)
#decrecs #TheUntamed #ficrec #wenqing #ao3
@lookitmychicken This fic was incredible! I loved #WenQing's voice in it, and her interactions with #JiangYanli. A couple of my favorite lines:
As far as she’s concerned, none of this has been revenge—it’s been surgery.
Wen Qing visits Jiang Yanli in the morning and informs her that she will be feeling ill later in the day, and ought to rest.
“This is the first time I’ve ever received a preemptive medical diagnosis,” Jiang Yanli muses, blinking bemusedly.
With Surgical Precision
✍️ fic by #metisket
⚕️ #TheUntamed
⚕️ #WenQing
⚕️ 20k, rated Teen
⚕️ Wen Qing time travels to just before Gusu Lan lectures
⚕️ She goes on a murder spree
⚕️ She sorts out the cultivation world
⚕️ She gives zero fucks
#DecRecs #FicRec #MDZSFicRec #WenQingFicRec #TimeTravel #FixIt
#metisket #theuntamed #wenqing #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #wenqingficrec #timetravel #fixit