to soothe your #work day here's my all time fav #weratedogs #dogrates Gryffin
Beaver... Hehe
Beaver... Hehe
Who doesn't love a dog and some humour? - Check Out We Rate Dogs!
#weratedogs #dogs #funnydogs
#weratedogs #dogs #funnydogs
They're not on Mastodon but #WeRateDogs's 2022 video brought tears to my eyes:
We Rate Dogs with their end of the year compilation. The dogs are seriously good dogs.
I haven't found Matt of We Rate Dogs here, but this tweet has a year-end roundup of 2022 doggos in a massive collage.
#theyreallgooddogsbrent #weratedogs
The Dogs of 2022, from #WeRateDogs.
I will never not be a sobbing mess while watching this. We don't deserve #dogs.
One of my favorite things of the year, the #WeRateDogs dogs of 2022 (on Twitter)
😂🤣😂 - look at the dog! #dogs #dogsofmastodon #weratedogs
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #weratedogs
@chloetse You weren’t aware? #WeRateDogs is run by the deep state out of the antifa headquarters :thonking:
Just look at this brainwashed liberal anti-fascist that I have the ‘displeasure’ of dog-sitting. I mean how can those eyes not fill you with loathing?
(I’m sure /s isn’t needed, but just in case… also I love her to bits)
Further proof leaving the birdsite was a good idea:
Nazi trolls are trying to get We Rate Dogs suspended.
How freaking joyless is your life if THIS is how you spend your free time?
Here's a cute snoot to cleanse my rant. *Boop*
#WeRateDogs #dogsofmastodon #SnootBoopDay #BoopThatSnoot
#weratedogs #dogsofmastodon #snootboopday #boopthatsnoot
Further proof leaving the birdsite was a good idea:
Nazi trolls are trying to get We Rate Dogs suspended.
How freaking joyless is your life if THIS is how you spend your free time?
Here's a cute snoot to cleanse my rant. *Boop*
#WeRateDogs #dogsofmastodon #SnootBoopDay #BoopThatSnoot
#weratedogs #dogsofmastodon #snootboopday #boopthatsnoot
#WeRateDogs and #WholesomeMemes are also on that list. They just hate people not being as miserable as they are, don't they?
Just read a toot that apparently #WeRateDogs is on here. Flippin heck that would be immense. #Dogs
@fuersti77 das sieht man gleich, das ist ein ganz, ganz Toller!!! 🥰 13/10 #weratedogs