OK, I had to pause for a bit to look it up... I don't think De'Bronski took a drag name. He's just De'Bronski. But LOOK AT HUH.
She's doing “And I Am Telling You I Am Not Going,” and she's bringing down the house. People are cheering, crying, pumping their fists, laughing with joy. It's amazing. Apparently De'Bronski is the first participant to perform entirely alone. Breakdown to breakthrough. She feels free, she says, like she's gotten her voice back. Impeccable. Powerful. Unapologetically camp as fuck. 7/5
#queer #tv #wereHere #drag #dragqueens
Christina Valentina (the cishet guy) goes first. My review: a little stiff with the dancing but heartfelt & her original rap verse was not bad. The outfit was properly slutty. 4/5
#queer #tv #wereHere #drag #dragqueens
Some of the best scenes are Bob, Shangela, & Eureka wandering the town inviting normies to the drag show... ah shit here come the bigots. Standing on a street corner yelling at Bob, calling them a pervert and a pedophile, purely based on the fact that they're a person with a flat chest & some facial hair wearing a (so stylish) black & white jumpsuit with a "feminine" cut. The fact that they're Black probably made them a target as well. But it's a moment, over quickly. They don't dwell, thankfully.
#queer #tv #wereHere #drag #dragqueens
Discussions about family... when you're queer, it's NOT a given that your bio family is going to be there for you. De'Bronski (of the homophobic Pentacostal family) had a really emotional moment after his cousins came over to offer him support. Mark is going to sing opera? This should be good.
#queer #tv #wereHere #drag #dragqueens
Anyway, on with the show... (we lost internet for a few minutes)...
So this guy is telling about how his fiancé does drag but the visibility and the sheer extra-ness of drag queens scared him. (Not without reason, given his experiences with homophobia from his family.) So he's trying to conquer that fear.
#queer #tv #wereHere #drag #dragqueens
If you're wondering, Bob is nonbinary, Eureka recently came out as a trans woman, and Shangela is a cis gay man. #queer #TV #WereHere #Drag #DragQueens
#queer #tv #wereHere #drag #dragqueens
#NowWatching season 3 episode 2 where they go to Jackson Mississippi. One of the locals is telling Bob The Drag Queen about how his church tried to exorcize him for being gay. Fucken yikes
#queer #TV #WereHere
#nowwatching #queer #tv #wereHere
I love being up at 0430 due to #NeuropathicPain but hey at least I get to watch #canadavstheworld and #WereHere in peace.
#wereHere #canadavstheworld #neuropathicpain