If anyone wants to test whether the #radioStation works for them over Tor, here is the direct link:
A direct link is important inn this case because the actual website for #WeRU is #cloudGlare.Someone ought contact them to request their #radio station be available over #I2P. There are a number of great I2P radio stations, but it sounds like this one would fill a real niche.
#radiostation #weru #cloudGlare #radio #i2p
Weru, Indonesia: Pide Turkish Pizza Sumber Cirebon | Rating: 5 #pizza #weru https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=-6.7588161%2C108.4768062&query_place_id=ChIJpQ_gCFcfby4RAgEXGwvhRtc