#AppleTVPlus has cancelled #HighDesert after one season. The comedy series starred #PatriciaArquette, #BradGarrett, #WerucheOpia, #BernadettePeters and #RupertFriend with #ChristineTaylor, #MattDillon and #EdenBrolin among those recurring. #television #streaming
#appletvplus #highdesert #patriciaarquette #bradgarrett #werucheopia #bernadettepeters #rupertfriend #christinetaylor #mattdillon #edenbrolin #television #streaming
The season 1 finale of #HighDesert is out now on #AppleTVPlus.
“I Need a Hero” (S1, E8)
The comedy series stars #PatriciaArquette, #BradGarrett, #WerucheOpia, #BernadettePeters, #RupertFriend, #MattDillon, #ChristineTaylor & more.
#christinetaylor #mattdillon #RupertFriend #BernadettePeters #werucheopia #bradgarrett #patriciaarquette #appletvplus #highdesert
A new episode of #HighDesert is out now on #AppleTVPlus.
“This Doesn’t Have to Be a Tragedy” (S1, E7)
The comedy series stars #PatriciaArquette, #BradGarrett, #WerucheOpia, #BernadettePeters, #RupertFriend, #MattDillon, #ChristineTaylor & more.
#christinetaylor #mattdillon #RupertFriend #BernadettePeters #werucheopia #bradgarrett #patriciaarquette #appletvplus #highdesert
A new episode of #HighDesert is out now on #AppleTVPlus.
“A Nod Is Not a Hello” (S1, E6)
The comedy series stars #PatriciaArquette, #BradGarrett, #WerucheOpia, #BernadettePeters, #RupertFriend, #MattDillon, #ChristineTaylor & more.
#christinetaylor #mattdillon #RupertFriend #BernadettePeters #werucheopia #bradgarrett #patriciaarquette #appletvplus #highdesert
A new episode of #HighDesert is out now on #AppleTVPlus.
“Soul Retrieval” (S1, E5)
The comedy series stars #PatriciaArquette, #BradGarrett, #WerucheOpia, #BernadettePeters, #RupertFriend, #MattDillon, #ChristineTaylor & more.
#christinetaylor #mattdillon #RupertFriend #BernadettePeters #werucheopia #bradgarrett #patriciaarquette #appletvplus #highdesert
A new episode of #HighDesert is out now on #AppleTVPlus.
“Get Judy off the Bed” (S1, E4)
The comedy series stars #PatriciaArquette, #BradGarrett, #WerucheOpia, #BernadettePeters, #RupertFriend, #MattDillon, #ChristineTaylor & more.
#christinetaylor #mattdillon #RupertFriend #BernadettePeters #werucheopia #bradgarrett #patriciaarquette #appletvplus #highdesert
I MAY DESTROY YOU di Michael Cole e Sam Miller (2020)
Una delle migliori serie degli ultimi tempi, scritta, diretta e prodotta dalla stessa attrice protagonista Michaela Coel. Un lavoro impegnativo dal punto di vista tecnico e coraggioso visto che gli eventi traumatici che ruotano attorno alla protagonista Arabella, sono quelli che la stessa Coel ha vissuto... https://www.vaevedi.it/2021/01/i-may-destroy-you-2020.html
#imaydestroyyou #michaelacoel #sammiller #TerryPratchard #WerucheOpia #ArabellaEssiedu #serietv
#IMayDestroyYou #MichaelaCoel #sammiller #terrypratchard #werucheopia #arabellaessiedu #serietv