RT @DmichaelsMiss
Camilla aka (the royal mistress) is complicit in the bullying of Meghan. Camilla made Diana’s life hell and now she’s after her daughter in-law. Shame on you Camilla Parker Bowles #WeLoveYouMeghan #WeStandWithMeghan #MeghanandHarry
#meghanandharry #westandwithmeghan #weloveyoumeghan
RT @noor_halabi@twitter.com
As an academic who studies media representation (and its historical connection to violence), I am alarmed by Clarkson's vile statement. Even more, I am dismayed by RF condoning/rewarding the abuse. I wish Meghan peace and safety #WeStandWithMeghan
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/noor_halabi/status/1604736437928304640
RT @King1Kita
She is someone and that should be enough
#WeLoveYouMeghan #WeLoveYouMegan
#WeStandWithMegan #WeStandWithMeghan
#weloveyoumeghan #weloveyoumegan #westandwithmegan #westandwithmeghan