Ludibriumventis · @ludibriumventis
342 followers · 1677 posts · Server

The exterior of the West Baden Springs hotel It's so festive! :D


Last updated 1 year ago

Ludibriumventis · @ludibriumventis
342 followers · 1671 posts · Server

The history of the place, in a nutshell, is that the founder had been a business partner with the French Lick resort, but had a falling-out, and went a mile down the road and built his own (wooden) hotel for people to come and "take the waters". That burned down, and he decided he wanted to build the grandest dome anyone had ever seen (at least, in North America). Many architects told him he was nuts, but not the bridge architect!

#westbadensprings #westbaden

Last updated 1 year ago

Ludibriumventis · @ludibriumventis
342 followers · 1670 posts · Server

The West Baden Springs hotel is pretty much my favorite hotel in the entire state of Indiana. Built in 1902, its 6-story atrium was an architectural marvel of the time. (Honestly, it still is, if you ask me.) In the early 20th century up until the day the stock market crashed in '29, anyone who was ANYONE came here to "take the waters" and party like there was no tomorrow.

#westbadensprings #sofancy #westbaden #frenchlick #rookwood

Last updated 1 year ago