Ward 1 newsletter is out. Get your copy here
#ainsliewood #kirkendall #strathcona #westdale
Sterling St (Whitton to Forsyth) construction & road restrictions beginning April 10
Follow http://t.ly/eqZuj for updates, including a move from reduced lanes to full closure
Find out what the project entrails and its importance to Hamilton's water
#westdale #mcmaster #roadclosure
#free #HamOnt #Toronto #Burlington #Oakville #Niagara How can we take better care of each other? Going beyond talk. #mentalhealth #Westdale #community #thesword #paneldiscussion #ymhc
#ymhc #paneldiscussion #thesword #Community #westdale #mentalhealth #niagara #oakville #burlington #toronto #hamont #Free
#HamOnt #BREAKING #sarahjama #westdale #StPatricksDay2023 #StPatrickDay #stpaddysday #FridayMotivation tix at http://www.ymhc.ngo/2023fair #Hamilton #Westdale #mentalhealth #SuicidePrevention #thesword #ymhc
#ymhc #thesword #SuicidePrevention #mentalhealth #hamilton #fridaymotivation #stpaddysday #stpatrickday #stpatricksday2023 #westdale #sarahjama #Breaking #hamont
What an amazing panel! #free #HamOnt #Toronto #MentalHealthMatters #SuicidePrevention #indigenous #livedexperience #thesword #community #westdale #Hamilton #TuesdayMotivaton tickets at http://www.ymhc.ngo/2023fair #ymhc http://www.ymhc.ngo
#ymhc #TuesdayMotivaton #hamilton #westdale #Community #thesword #livedexperience #Indigenous #SuicidePrevention #mentalhealthmatters #toronto #hamont #Free
Free community event in #hamont #hamilton #snow #ONStorm #free #mentalhealth #SuicidePrevention #westdale #ymhc http://www.ymhc.ngo #FridayMotivation
#fridaymotivation #ymhc #westdale #SuicidePrevention #mentalhealth #Free #onstorm #Snow #hamilton #hamont
The latest Ward 1 enewletter is hot off our keyboard.
#ainsliewood #kirkendall #strathcona #westdale #hamont
#city_cmtes #policeservices #parking #wasteservices
#ainsliewood #kirkendall #strathcona #westdale #HAMONT #city_cmtes #policeservices #parking #wasteservices
Renovictions Policy Review Survey
The survey focuses on
*The scale of the renoviction issue
*What the city can do to mitigate existing renoviction issues
Survey & scope are found here: https://engage.hamilton.ca/renovictionpolicy
#AnslieWood #Kirkendall #Strathcona #Westdale #hamont #renovictions
#ansliewood #kirkendall #strathcona #westdale #HAMONT #renovictions
Tell the City of Hamilton what you think about the current services provided by the City. Complete the surveys. Your feedback informs how the City aligns services with its resident's needs.
#ainsliewood #kirkendall #strathcona #westdale
#hamont #wastemangement #policeservices #parkingservices
#ainsliewood #kirkendall #strathcona #westdale #HAMONT #wastemangement #policeservices #parkingservices
Murder Bugs: A Love Story
"An immense pleasure to read ... The love of invertebrates and the complexity of human behaviour are beautifully married in this imaginative thriller ... The invertebrates are truly fantastic. The murders are clever and gruesome ... A riveting novel that is difficult to put down ... I thoroughly enjoyed it"
Marvin Gunderman, Entomology Instructor at McMaster U (retd)
#dundas #ancaster #westdale #stoneycreek #hi