Nietzsche’s declaration “God is dead (and we have killed him)” is often misunderstood as a way of saying atheism is true; but he more means the entirety of Western civilization rests on values destined for “collapse”. The appropriate response to the death of God should thus be deep disorientation, mourning, and reflection...
#philosophy #nihilsm #secularization #westernsociety
#philosophy #nihilsm #secularization #westernSociety
There seems to be four forces at play causing the #entropicDecline of #westernSociety, the #ForthTurning
1) FakeWars we are growing weary of now,
2) True #environmentalists who want to end the #growth,
3) FinanceCapital (#financialisation) 'eating it out' by #printingMoney for themselves hoping to #takeTheWorldPrivate in its last days (these people are currently winning, close to power)
4) growing #fascist (fake #liberty) movements that want #forcedLabour (#MSMSupported).
#entropicDecline #westernSociety #ForthTurning #environmentalists #growth #financialisation #printingmoney #takeTheWorldPrivate #fascist #liberty #forcedlabour #MSMSupported
Maybe they exist as a #warmBranklet, "Remember these productions, these are the fruits of the #consumerist #westernSociety we created. Don't you still #love them!?"
"Don't you still love these #celebrities we #elevated, just for your #entertainment while we were out pilaging the #earths resources under the pretense of #humanitarian aide?"
#warmBranklet #consumerist #westernSociety #love #celebrities #elevated #entertainment #earths #humanitarian