"In some ways, rebuilding #Ukraine may be more financially difficult than conducting the war itself. The country has already suffered levels of #damage not seen in #Europe since #WorldWarII, and it took 20 to 30 years for Germany and the United Kingdom to rebuild after the war. (..)
Whether Ukraine and its #WesternAllies will ever be able to compel #Russia to pay #reparations will depend on the outcome of the #war."
#ukraine #damage #europe #worldwarii #westernallies #russia #reparations #war
@SocraticEthics a nucleair disaster in #ukraine is also a reason to punish #maffia #terrorstate #russia the same as it was using #tacticnucleairweapons,, by the #westernallies
#westernallies #tacticnucleairweapons #russia #terrorstate #maffia #ukraine