Western Australia is hopelessly captured by the fossil fuel industry. They control a large chunk of the news media, and they (along with other mining interests) bankroll government. We have to find ways to combat our conversation into a petro-state.
Link to ABC news story:
#StateCapture #auspol #ClimateEmergency #Climate #WesternAustralia #markmcgowan
#statecapture #auspol #climateemergency #climate #westernaustralia #markmcgowan
You might have heard of Professor Fiona Stanley. Australian of the Year, has a hospital named after her... that sort of thing.
She spoke at this year's Sorry Day at Wellington Square in Perth and speaks of her direct experience.
You can watch the entire thing if you like, it's a very worthy thing but I think I've got it at the point where she is introduced.
#perth #westernaustralia #referendum #australia
So I have a question that probably seems obvious but I promise it's genuine. Can a bird and a possum share a hollow for their home? Because it seems to be happening in a tree near me.
A brushtail possum and a Corella appear to be using the same hollow. There is only one entry.
#australia #wildoz #westernaustralia #fauna #bird #possum
Me and my mate comparing notes on dealing with hair in the rain
#rottnestisland #westernaustralia #quokkaboutit
So on Sunday at the Cannington #Bunnings there's a #SausageSizzle to raise money for #Genghiscon #sciencefictionconventions If you're in #Perth #westernaustralia and down that way pop in and say hi, buy a snag and a drink and find out about Genghiscon. But if you can't you can check out the convention here https://genghiscon.org/
#bunnings #sausagesizzle #genghiscon #sciencefictionconventions #perth #westernaustralia
Fantastic day cruising down the Swan River to Rottnest Island, cycling around the island, meeting the cutest little Quokkas and even having a cheeky winter skinny dip (the shrinkage was really y’all)
Now free for all to read... I try Fremantle's best food and drink on a tour that takes in a historic deli, a beer bar next to an ex-synagogue, and a smooth laneway bar:
Food Trail of Freo https://www.patreon.com/posts/76709407
#Fremantle #WesternAustralia #Food #Tour #FoodTour #Australia
#fremantle #westernaustralia #food #tour #foodtour #australia
I got my new #music "Reality Collapse" featured in a #WesternAustralia - themed #Spotify #playlist for #WesternAustralian #artists! :MOULE_Stars: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7sNHARrEdidBB8jjsgCkM1 #Perth
#music #westernaustralia #spotify #playlist #westernaustralian #artists #perth
Vor sieben Jahren hatte ich den Jetlag meines Lebens. 0.99 Derrick, und das unter Wasser.
#Australia #WesternAustralia #Perth
#perth #westernaustralia #australia
#noongarlanguage #perth #westernaustralia
Nganop , ni! Kwodjat, boorong bandak koorliny. Baal balyan, dek djoorabiny. Yeyi dima malka!
#noongarlanguage #perth #westernaustralia
As someone "working" in the climate activism space, it's incredibly frustrating seeing fossil gas companies talking about supplying clean energy. When they are supplying gas, which is literally a greenhouse gas. That would be predictable propaganda if I didn't constantly find that my politicians repeat it in their speeches.
Take a look at this speech from earlier this year by Federal Resources Minister Madeleine King
Was it written by a Gas industry spokesperson? is Minister King one?
It isn't any better at the State Level. With the recent actions by Disrupt Burrup Hub, we have seen Premier Cook display a shocking lack of understanding about how the Gas industry is driving climate change and what climate activists are actually asking for.
Didn't anyone find it strange that they both just casually called Meg O'Neil to express sympathies? They have sympathies with Meg because they are effectively colleagues, they have a personal relationship they move in the same circles. Did they personally call the people of the Fitzroy River Basin to personally give their sympathies when climate change-fuelled rains washed their houses away?
#ClimateChange #ClimateAction #StateCapture #gobeyondgas #westernaustralia #WALabor #labor
#climatechange #climateaction #statecapture #gobeyondgas #westernaustralia #walabor #labor
'Cara' or 'Djubak' are the Noongar names for Donkey Orchid. Cara were an important source of food for Indigenous people. They were eaten either raw or roasted in hot ashes. The tubers are reportedly high in starch, juicy, and taste like potatoes. The flowers appear in spring (late Djilba to Kambarang).
I learnt this from 'Noongar Bush Tucker' by Vivienne Hansen and John Horsfall. Vivienne is a Balladong Wadjuk Yorga from Bibbulmun Nation or Noongar people of south west western australia. Highly recommend you buy this book. Support Indigenous knowledge and writing.
#IndigenousKnowledge #westernAustralia #australia #flora #bloomscrolling #flowers #orchid #NoongarBoodja #naturephotography #photography
#indigenousknowledge #westernaustralia #australia #flora #bloomscrolling #flowers #orchid #noongarboodja #naturephotography #photography
So apparently there was a 5.6 #earthquake #perth #westernaustralia 3 hours ago and I slept through it.
#earthquake #perth #westernaustralia
Some of the coolest lichen I've ever come across.
Fun fact, lichen are not plants or moss. They're a symbiotic relationship of fungi and alge or cyanobacteria.
This lichen is from SW Western Australia.
#LichenSubscribe #Lichen #FungiFriday #Fungi #westernAustralia
#australia #wildOz
#lichensubscribe #lichen #FungiFriday #fungi #westernaustralia #australia #wildoz
#westernaustralia #perth #wreathflower #西オーストラリア #パース #リースフラワー
#リースフラワー #パース #西オーストラリア #wreathflower #perth #westernaustralia
Lucas Findling, the Perth based designer of Raidents the boardgame, was good enough to come and demo his new game at Swancon this year.
It's an excellent game, very tactical, somewhat likened to playing chess with grenades. I enjoyed it thoroughly and recommend it.
The kickstarter has just launched.
#swancon #boardgames #crowdfunding #kickstarter #westernaustralia #perth #boardgame
#swancon #boardgames #crowdfunding #kickstarter #westernaustralia #perth #boardgame
2 ch0nky bois. if u look closely, the Western Ringtail Possum has 2 opposable thumbs (like the koala)
also wrote a guide for the possum spotlighting trail: https://potoo.is/possum-spotlighting-trail-guide/
#rotund #westernaustralia #australia #possum #wildlife #nature
#nature #wildlife #possum #australia #westernaustralia #rotund
Volunteers are working frantically on a second day to save dozens of #pilotwhales that have stranded themselves on a beach in #WesternAustralia, but more than 50 have already died #wildlife #whales
#pilotwhales #westernaustralia #wildlife #whales