Architecture-related visits after research. First, to the Arizona State University Art Museum, designed to the fit its desert environment by Antoine Predock. #WesternHistory
Research stop 4: the Greater Arizona Collection, archives held at Arizona State University. #envhist #WesternHistory
Research stop 3: the Arizona State Archives followed by the archives held at Arizona State University. #WesternHistory #envhist
Mining community of Superior, Arizona, including the abandoned high school and famous rock formation known as Apache Leap. Supposedly 75 Apache men leapt from the top to their deaths instead of allowing themselves to be captured by the U.S. cavalry. #mininghistory #westernhistory
#mininghistory #westernhistory
As authoritarians try to tighten their grip in Florida and elsewhere, just a reminder that white people have been trying to find safety through sameness for a very long time. And it results in heartache and misery. Why? Because it's built on a lie.
#authoritarianism #history #RomanEmpire #WesternHistory #equality #diversity
#diversity #equality #westernhistory #romanempire #history #authoritarianism
Just thinking out loud. It would be really cool if there were #BookWyrm instances focused on specific subjects. Say, #genealogy, #westernhistory, #localhistory, or whatever. Lots of interesting people in the #fediverse but not so much community.
#Bookwyrm #genealogy #westernhistory #LocalHistory #fediverse