Skeptoid #259: Mao's Barefoot Doctors: The Secret History of Chinese Medicine by Brian Dunning #acupuncture #alternativemedicine #easternmedicine #westernmedicine #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot Westerners' belief that Chinese have long relied on alternative medicine is due in part to clever book publishers.
#acupuncture #alternativemedicine #easternmedicine #westernmedicine #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
May 31, 1827: Japanese doctor Kusumoto Ine was born in Nagasaki. The daughter of courtesan Kusumoto Taki and German physician Philipp Franz von Siebold, she was the first female doctor of Western medicine in Japan. Her father was banished from Japan in 1829 but managed to provide for Ine and her mother and arranged for his students and associates to care for them. She studied in various parts of Japan under numerous teachers, and her reputation grew after she became a doctor of Western medicine, winning the patronage of the feudal lord Date Munenari.
#kusumotoine #japan #westernmedicine #todayinhistory
Also, in #AmyConeyBarrett hearings compare with #CarolineMyss what she says - all this and why we have in the US things coming up/globally - #vaccines - and, what is grounded to me is I am still very much in #medicine #WesternMedicine at levels, including that I would rather trust vaccines/collectively believe we are there, which, #Theosophy #endocrine system and hormones all ours talk to each others’ so for all, I get, too. As, collectively that’s where our beliefs are at… and, it’s well?
#amyconeybarrett #carolinemyss #vaccines #medicine #westernmedicine #theosophy #endocrine