Max Sasson – Building Blue – Prospect Report #AbbotsfordCanucks #AHL #BuildingBlue #Canucks #ChrisHiggins #Draft #forward #game #goal #Goals #highlights #hockey #MaxSasson #Michigan #news #NHL #NHLEntryDraft #PacificDivision #players #profile #prospect #ProspectDevelopmentCamp #ProspectProfile #report #Sasson #shoot #shot #team #university #Vancouver #VancouverCanucks #WesternConference #WesternMichigan
#abbotsfordcanucks #ahl #buildingblue #canucks #chrishiggins #draft #forward #game #goal #goals #highlights #hockey #maxsasson #michigan #news #nhl #nhlentrydraft #pacificdivision #players #profile #prospect #prospectdevelopmentcamp #prospectprofile #report #sasson #shoot #shot #team #university #vancouver #vancouvercanucks #westernconference #westernmichigan
In #CollegeHockey tonight: UNO Mavericks vs Western Michigan final score: 7-6 UNO. Also, a UNH goalie got ejected for spearing, so that was a thing. See you next decade, spearing #OmahaMavericks #WesternMichigan
#omahamavericks #collegehockey #westernmichigan
#ncaabasketball started tonight, and I was pretty excited about it.
#MichiganState #WesternMichigan
#westernmichigan #MichiganState #ncaabasketball
#ncaabasketball started tonight, and I was pretty excited about it.
#MichiganState #WesternMichigan
#westernmichigan #MichiganState #ncaabasketball