#NewsoftheWorld, while mildly entertaining, needed a bit more grit and less preaching. For the 1870s setting, the movie is kind of modern.
#WesternMovie #movie #movies #TomHanks #review #reviews #NowStreaming #drama #History
#newsoftheworld #westernmovie #movie #movies #tomhanks #review #reviews #nowstreaming #drama #history
Franco Nero, Jamie Foxx & Quentin Tarantino plugging Django Unchained.
#franconero #jamiefoxx #quentintarantino #djangounchained #django #western #spaghettiwestern #revisionist #westernmovie #italianactor #americanactor #americandirector #moviedirector #filmmaker
#franconero #jamiefoxx #quentintarantino #djangounchained #django #western #spaghettiwestern #revisionist #westernmovie #italianactor #americanactor #americandirector #moviedirector #filmmaker
Released on this Day 1966 "4 Dollars of Revenge"
#4dollarsofrevenge #spaghettiwestern #western #westernmovie #jaimejesusbalcazar #brunocorbucci #robertwoods #danaghia #angeloinfanti
#4dollarsofrevenge #spaghettiwestern #western #westernmovie #jaimejesusbalcazar #brunocorbucci #robertwoods #danaghia #angeloinfanti
@BadSocialism that is a great #westernmovie and the #ACW battles are well mounted.
Spaghetti Sunday
Enzo G.Castellari’s ‘Keoma’, written by George Eastman and starring Franco Nero
#spaghettisunday #franconero #keoma #enzogcastellari #williamberger #woodystrode
#georgeeastman #spaghettiwestern #westernmovie
#spaghettisunday #franconero #keoma #enzogcastellari #williamberger #woodystrode #georgeeastman #spaghettiwestern #westernmovie
Released on this Day 1968
'Django Prepare a Coffin' starring Terence Hill, Horst Frank & George Eastman and Directed by Ferdinando Baldi.
#djangoprepareacoffin #django #terencehill #horstfrank #georgeeastman #ferdinandobaldi #westernmovie #spaghettiwestern
#djangoprepareacoffin #django #terencehill #horstfrank #georgeeastman #ferdinandobaldi #westernmovie #spaghettiwestern
Da uomo a uomo aka Death Rides a Horse (1967)
#deathridesahorse #leevancleef #giuliopetroni #westernmovie #onlocation #eurowestern #spanishwestern #italo #almeriacine #classic #cinema #spaghettiwestern #blackandwhitephotography
#deathridesahorse #leevancleef #giuliopetroni #westernmovie #onlocation #eurowestern #spanishwestern #italo #almeriacine #classic #cinema #spaghettiwestern #blackandwhitephotography
Spaghetti Sunday: "La vendetta è un piatto che si serve freddo" aka "Vengeance Trail" Starring Leonard Mann, Ivan Rassimov, Elisabeth Eversfield, Steffen Zacharias & Klaus Kinski.
#vengeancetrail #leonardmann #ivanrassimov #elizabetheversfield #steffenzacharias #klauskinski #spaghettiwesternsunday #spaghettiwestern #westernmovie
#vengeancetrail #leonardmann #ivanrassimov #elizabetheversfield #steffenzacharias #klauskinski #spaghettiwesternsunday #spaghettiwestern #westernmovie
Charles Bronson & Alain Delon behind the scenes during the making of Red Sun 1971.
#charlesbronson #bronson #alaindelon #redsun #westernmovie #movie #almeriacine #granada #europe #terenceyoung #toshiromifune #behindthescene #behindthescenes #onlocation #actors #spaghettiwestern
#charlesbronson #bronson #alaindelon #redsun #westernmovie #movie #almeriacine #granada #europe #terenceyoung #toshiromifune #behindthescene #behindthescenes #onlocation #actors #spaghettiwestern
Released this day 1968, Mario Caiano's "A Train for Durango".
#atrainfordurango #spaghettiwestern #westernmovie #movie #vintage #mariocaiano #anthonysteffen #markdamon #dominiqueboshero #aldosambrell #poster #movieposter
#atrainfordurango #spaghettiwestern #westernmovie #movie #vintage #mariocaiano #anthonysteffen #markdamon #dominiqueboshero #aldosambrell #poster #movieposter
Movie for today: the western Horizons West (1952, directed by Budd Boetticher, featuring Robert Ryan, Julie Adams and Rock Hudson).
#movies #westernmovie #westerns
#westerns #westernmovie #movies
The hero of SIX DAYS TO DIE, The Gambler himself, is the final peek at our new poster — tragic open-heartedness is both his strength and his downfall, and @hindssight plays it all expertly beneath the gruff exterior of a classical western white hat. As men with no name go, he’s my absolute favourite. #ManWithNoName #WesternStyle #WesternMovie #TheGambler #WhiteHat #6Days2Die #CineMastodon #Moviestodon #IndieFilm #Filmmaking #ComingSoon
#manwithnoname #westernstyle #westernmovie #thegambler #whitehat #6days2die #cinemastodon #moviestodon #indiefilm #filmmaking #comingsoon
Second-to-last peek at our new comicbook poster features the indomitable Kyra Harper as “The Farmer”, a character that enjoys good hooch, a good pooch, and taking no shit from nobody. She’s gonna knock your socks off! #SciFiFilm #WesternMovie #PostApocalyptic #Farmer #DrawingArt #PosterArt #CineMastodon #6Days2Die #ComingSoon
#SciFiFilm #westernmovie #postapocalyptic #farmer #drawingart #posterart #cinemastodon #6days2die #comingsoon