There is a road ;not too far from where I live where I take the dogs for walks. Large cottonwood trees grow alongside the road and birds congregate in these big trees. In the years I have been living where I am now I have seen a horned owl, and any number of hawks. This morning there were two raptors, and I am assuming these are hawks, but have not IDd them as of yet. One bird appeared to be very scruffy. Feathers out of place. The other bird was fine. Can this be a pair? Male and female?
#BirdsOfMastodon #WildBirds #Raptors #Hawks #Outdoors #OutdoorPhotography #WesternBirds #WesternUSBirds
#birdsofmastodon #wildbirds #raptors #hawks #outdoors #outdoorphotography #westernbirds #westernusbirds