The Mountain Hydrology Group at INSTAAR just released their 2/1/23 real-time snow water equivalent (SWE) report. Percent of 2001-2021 average ranges btw. 174-250+%. Check it out! We have updated our model and have added comparisons to airborne snow.
#CAwater #CAwx #CAclimate #westernwater #water #rainonsnow #climatechange #climate
Find the PDFs and data at
#cawater #cawx #caclimate #westernwater #water #rainonsnow #climatechange #climate
"What is the land’s best use? Who gets to decide? And how do we balance water conservation, food production and clean power generation in an era of climate emergency?" A deeply-reported piece by the Los Angeles Times' Sammy Roth on Imperial Valley, water and solar. #solar #westernwater #coloradoriver #energytransition
#solar #westernwater #coloradoriver #energytransition
The Great Basin is characterized by its closed basins, where water is trapped in saline, terminal lakes that support fascinating ecosystems.
But when less water flows in -- from #climatechange or human diversions -- these lakes are often first to see impacts.
High Country News' Caroline Tracey takes a look at a new bipartisan bill funding research and monitoring of these lakes.
#ClimateChange #westernwater #greatbasin #salinelakes
Hello to my fellow #water scholars and #geography community! I study #hydrosocial systems, water politics, #environmentaljustice, #drought, #westernwater, #energy and #climate from a #politicalecology perspective. Excited to rebuild my networks of #HumanEnvironmentInteractions people over here. #Geografriends
#climate #water #geography #hydrosocial #environmentaljustice #drought #westernwater #energy #politicalecology #humanenvironmentinteractions #geografriends