Two Lawyers Fined $5,000 for Lies Written by #ChatGPT
#Case_citation #English_language #Avianca #Legal_English #American_Airline #China_Southern Airlines Co Ltd #Steven_A. Schwartz #Legal_professions #Oberman #LexisNexis #Westlaw #Law #Levidow #Lawyer #P._Kevin Castel #Legal_research #Law #Crime #Peter_LoDuca #Gizmodo
#chatgpt #case_citation #english_language #avianca #legal_english #american_airline #china_southern #steven_a #legal_professions #oberman #lexisnexis #westlaw #law #levidow #lawyer #p #legal_research #crime #peter_loduca #gizmodo
Slave cases are still cited as good law across the U.S. This team aims to change that.
#NPR #Law #LawFedi #citation #BlueBook #slavery #courts #AppellateFedi #Westlaw #LexisNexis #LegalAuthority #CaseLaw
#caselaw #legalauthority #lexisnexis #westlaw #appellatefedi #courts #slavery #bluebook #citation #lawfedi #law #npr
Slave cases are still cited as good law across the U.S. This team aims to change that.
#NPR #Law #LawFedi #citation #BlueBook #slavery #courts #AppellateFedi #Westlaw #LexisNexis #LegalAuthority #CaseLaw
#caselaw #legalauthority #lexisnexis #westlaw #appellatefedi #courts #slavery #bluebook #citation #lawfedi #law #npr
Why real lawyers use Westlaw.
Why real lawyers use Westlaw.
Utterly fascinating. Document #32, affadavit of Stephen Schwartz, is the most interesting.
Moral of the story: don’t use #ChatGPT to perform your legal (and probably other) research without verifying everything it comes up with through another channel.
#chatgpt #westlaw #nexislexis #courtdocuments #openaccess
I’m currently wrapping up revisions on my final memo of my first semester of #lawschool. My favorite part of the #legal process so far has been researching and writing, and I can’t wait to explore litigation and negotiation next semester.
At the University of Dayton, we have been very lucky to have access to certifications on content libraries and management softwares like #LexisNexis and #WestLaw.
If you’re looking for a #lawstudent to help with day-to-day tasks, reach out!
#lawschool #legal #lexisnexis #westlaw #lawstudent #lawfedi
It constantly stuns me that when I search the exact name of the cases I am looking for, in the state jurisdiction where it is located, #Westlaw will still make it the 10th result and throw random cases citing to that case first.
Like c'mon, what are we doing here.
@scottjshapiro So it seems like on #Mastodon, you need to #hashtag all key words: so, "Maybe #Mastodon can buy #Twitter?" It's like early #Westlaw searches where you had to do your own #BooleanSearch
#booleansearch #westlaw #Twitter #hashtag #Mastodon