Eliburn Reservoir
#scotland #livingston #westlothian #photo #photography #nature #naturephoto
#scotland #livingston #westlothian #photo #photography #nature #naturephoto
Sorry to hear that Labour/ Tory-run West Lothian Council is closing a number of swimming pools. Learned today at Broxburn that "the architects have been in already".
How to kill communities..
#scotland #politics #redtories #tory #labour #westlothian
Avon Viaduct #Stirlingshire #WestLothian #UnionCanal #JohnMuirWay yesterday
#johnmuirway #unioncanal #westlothian #stirlingshire
#Gàidhlig #Gaeilge #Deutsch #Español
#rain #climatechange #Summer #WestLothian #MastoDaoine
#mastodaoine #westlothian #summer #climatechange #rain #espanol #deutsch #gaeilge #gaidhlig
On this day in history. 70 years ago today, on 27 July 1953, an armistice brought about a cease-fire in the Korean War. This is the poignant Scottish Korean War Memorial in the Bathgate Hills near Linlithgow. More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/linlithgow/koreanwarmemorial/index.htm
#Scotland #OnThisDay #ScotishKoreanWarMemorial #KoreanWar #BathgateHills #Linlithgow #WestLothian #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #westlothian #linlithgow #bathgatehills #koreanwar #scotishkoreanwarmemorial #onthisday #scotland
The Linlithgow area has 2 category A listed buildings held on #wikidata.
Avon Aqueduct (dating from 1822) has a #wikipedia article.
#ScottishHistory #westlothian
#wikidata #wikipedia #ScottishHistory #westlothian
Clach Ceilteach, Obar Chùirnidh. 6mh Linn.
Carved Celtic stone, Abercorn. Circa 6th C.
#StandingStoneSunday #Scotland #Celtic #Gaelic #Gàidhlig #Celts #WestLothian
#westlothian #celts #gaidhlig #gaelic #celtic #scotland #standingstonesunday
The Union Canal at Linlithgow. After four years' construction it opened in 1822 and its 31½ lock-free miles follow the 240ft contour from Edinburgh to Falkirk, giving it the name it was known by at the time, the "mathematical river". More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/falkirk/unioncanal/index.html
#Scotland #UnionCanal #Canal #Linlithgow #WestLothian #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #westlothian #linlithgow #canal #unioncanal #scotland
The Union Canal at Linlithgow. After four years' construction it opened in 1822 and its 31½ lock-free miles follow the 240ft contour from Edinburgh to Falkirk, giving it the name it was known by at the time, the "mathematical river". More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/falkirk/unioncanal/index.html
#Scotland #UnionCanal #Canal #Linlithgow #WestLothian #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #westlothian #linlithgow #canal #unioncanal #scotland
Sundaes but nae windaes.
Ghost of ice-cream van past. Broxburn.
#westlothian #urban #scots #scotland #summer
Clachan bho shean.
Auld stanes.
Obar Chùirnidh. Abercorn.
#Gaelic #Gàidhlig #MastoDaoine #StandingStoneSunday #WestLothian #Scots #Scotland
#scotland #scots #westlothian #standingstonesunday #mastodaoine #gaidhlig #gaelic
The amazing prehistoric henge and cairn at Cairnpapple Hill in the Bathgate Hills. It's over 5,000 years old and on a clear day can offer magnificent views across central Scotland taking in Arran in the west and Bass Rock in the east. More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/torphichen/cairnpapplehill/index.html
#Scotland #CairnpappleHill #Henge #Prehistoric #Cairn #Bathgate #WestLothian #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #westlothian #bathgate #cairn #prehistoric #henge #cairnpapplehill #scotland
The imposing south front of Linlithgow Palace seen through its outer gate. King James V and his daughter Mary, Queen of Scots were both born here, and its origins probably date back to a royal manor house built on the site in the 1100s. More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/linlithgow/linlithgowpalace/index.html
#Scotland #LinlightgowPalace #Linlithgow #Palace #WestLothian #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #westlothian #palace #linlithgow #linlightgowpalace #scotland
Ornate windows, now for outside eyes only.
Former masonic lodge, Broxburn.
#Fensterfreitag #urbex #abandoned #scotland #westlothian
The Stones of Livingston, a monument/installation/feature in Livingston in West Lothian. We've been unable to find out much about this intriguing stone circle; but it seems that its origins are more modern than ancient. More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/livingston/stonesoflivingston/index.html
#Scotland #StonesOfLivingston #WestLothian #Livingston #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #livingston #westlothian #stonesoflivingston #scotland
Buses are a necessity. They are a public need - not a want, nor a luxury #McGills #westlothian #publictransport
#publictransport #westlothian #mcgills
The spectacular Lin's Mill Aqueduct, completed in 1822 to carry the Union Canal 75ft above the River Almond, which at this point forms the boundary between Edinburgh and West Lothian. More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/ratho/linsmill/index.html
#Scotland #LinsMillAqueduct #Aqueduct #RiverAlmond #Edinburgh #WestLothian #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #westlothian #edinburgh #riveralmond #aqueduct #linsmillaqueduct #scotland
Torphichen Preceptory in West Lothian. From the 1140s this was the only base north of London of the Knights Hospitaller of the Order of St John of Jerusalem. From 1312 it also administered property previously held by the Knights Templar. More pics and info https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/torphichen/preceptory/index.html
#Scotland #TorphichenPreceptory #Torphichen #KnightsTemplar #WestLothian #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #westlothian #knightstemplar #torphichen #torphichenpreceptory #scotland
Here's the next Spoonflower rework, the first one from the Bathgate pattern set. The changes in this one are more subtle. I swapped the green out for a grey and added a little extra details at the corners.
#spoonflower #printondemand #surfacepatterndesign #textureart #graphicdesign #abstractart #patterndesign #patternmaking #patternart #repeatpattern #functionalpatterns #geometricart #Westlothian #Bathgate #scottish #scotland
#spoonflower #printondemand #surfacepatterndesign #textureart #graphicdesign #abstractart #patterndesign #patternmaking #patternart #repeatpattern #functionalpatterns #geometricart #westlothian #bathgate #Scottish #scotland
I've taken getting my work proofed on Spoonflower as an opportunity to rework some previous designs, the first one being the last one from the Livingston set.
#spoonflower #printondemand #surfacepatterndesign #textureart #graphicdesign #abstractart #patterndesign #patternmaking #fashioninsta #patternart #repeatpattern #functionalpatterns #geometricart #Westlothian #Livingston #scottish #scotland
#spoonflower #printondemand #surfacepatterndesign #textureart #graphicdesign #abstractart #patterndesign #patternmaking #fashioninsta #patternart #repeatpattern #functionalpatterns #geometricart #westlothian #livingston #Scottish #scotland