In tonight's #Dragonlance #SotDQ game, the party ventured off into the unknown wilds and I got to pull out all my #WestMarches regional shenanigans. Foraging, navigating, experiencing deadly environments, it was great.
#Dragonlance #sotdq #westmarches
I’m thinking about a BPRD-style #WestMarches game. So far from “I can run it” at this point, but maybe in a year-and-change I’ll have capacity and a system for it. Meanwhile, I’ll noodle on setting.
I gotta do it, man...
#ttrpg #westmarches #DnD #bx #theisleofdread #morrowind #ose
New Site Post: Using 30-mile hexes
I'm a big fan of using 6-mile hexes as a tool to approximate travel distances in wilderness journeys. But I found that for setting up a West Marches exploration sandbox, 30-mile hexes can be very useful to set up different geographic areas and territories for towns and tribes.
#sandbox #hexcrawl #westmarches #ttrpg
We're live with Nordmark! The Queen of Nordmark pt 3.
Let's see if we can manage more than 8/104 miles this time, hm?
Tonight's party are:
Erin Brioche as Haze
@SuperTaliaDX as A'Wunin
Ben Newbon as Aegis
and Enfys Pranc as Imp
What system would you find more interesting to play for a West Marches wilderness sandbox campaign?
#ttrpg #westmarches #sandbox #DnD #ose
It only gets better with macro-resource system that can be transferred to any #WestMarches game!
If you run a WM campaign, Out of the Ashes is a must-purchase!
I keep forgetting that I offer my party 1 gold piece for every like my D&D sessions get on YouTube.
And then I keep forgetting to share those here, too. Those poor, impoverished players :D
At the Holy Rollers #WestMarches retreat we played 84 hours of #DnD in 3 days across 4 tables. For comparison, my home game gets in that much gaming in just less than a year and a half! No wonder I'm still tired.
I'm not much for live tooting, so no updates till now, but the past week running the Holy Rollers Blest Marches #WestMarches retreat with these guys was a wild, hilarious, deeply meaningful, all the feels sort of experience. I'm roughly 3 levels of exhausted, but this will stick with me. @thegeekpreacher
We're live with Nordmark! My #westmarches D&D game. It's the first milestone quest (boss mission), let's see how it goes!
I just realized I’ve been unconsciously fighting #SAD by working on projects around the house.
I think this is a consequence of trying to get a new #westmarches style campaign together by working on it a bit each night. Now my body craves the serotonin of daily accomplishment. This is weird.
Our first #WestMarches session was last night. It was awesome.
There was an electric energy as the four new friends left their safe home into the unknown.
There were creative solutions to encounters of the curious and deadly varieties.
Their love of herbology paid off when they blinded a horde of kobolds with spores, giving the bard the chance to blast several foes off of a cliff.
They made a frenemy out of a kobold named Cheese-Ears.
Their new table map:
#westmarches #ttrpg #hexcrawl #dnd #homebrew
Our first #WestMarches session was last night. It was awesome.
There was an electric energy as the four new friends left their safe home into the unknown.
There were creative solutions to encounters of the curious and deadly varieties.
Their love of herbology paid off when they blinded a horde of kobolds with spores, giving the bard the chance to blast several foes off of a cliff.
They made a frenemy out of a kobold named Cheese-Ears.
Their new table map:
#westmarches #ttrpg #hexcrawl #dnd #homebrew
@hexedpress btw, on stream you mentioned that you plan to play / run more stuff next (?) year.
Do you play / run stuff online? I play #Whitehack3E with #OSRQ, which is an open table #WestMarches campaign. Feel free to join us. Conversely, if you have some stuff to playtest or somesuch, do ping me, I'm interested in this sort of stuff, especially in playtesting adventures and systems and providing feedback.
#westmarches #OSRQ #Whitehack3E
I've been trying to get back into the right mindset and moot to continue working on my 70s Fantasy, Forgotten Realms and
Hyborean Age knockoff setting for my next #OSE #WestMarches campaign, when suddenly* this map appeared in my mind, and it's just perfect. Why didn't I think of this arrangement months ago?
(*It's obviously a combination of ideas I've been thinking about for months, and I can still clearly see the influences it's based on.)
The Player and DM Code for our burgeoning local #westmarches campaign.
Are there any other steps that you would consider codifying before launching into a large group #TTRPG game like this?
BG is MTG art, by Sarah Finnigan.
#westmarches #ttrpg #dnd #homebrew #dnd5e #homebrewery #safetytools
Working on an idea for a new #dnd class that emphasizes cooperation and combo-play between players, in an effort to get players out of the siloed, me-first mentality.
Also working on scenarios for our burgeoning #westmarches campaign which has its first session next week.
Lastly, reeling from the OGL news and considering what system and rules my TTRPG ecosystem will look like in the future.
The key to never have to reschedule because one of the players can't play on the agreed date is to run campaigns using a format in which play can happen with whatever characters are present that day.
For years I've been using a simple #ttrpg time tracker. It's been great, but as I've gotten more into #WestMarches play I've found myself wanting a few small updates. I've made those updates and figured I would share with others. Grab the free PDF here: