I've been watching the 4 movies that are about the #WestMemphisThree and man, each time I look over at the screen and see the lifeless bodies of these kids I just... ugh. I knew what I was watching, but I still hate it.
Also, the book keeping me company at the laundromat this evening. #bookstodon #truecrime #westmemphisthree
#bookstodon #truecrime #westmemphisthree
Listening to a podcast that was talking about the #westMemphisThree and holy shit, what a cluster fuck from law enforcement. i realized the satanic panic was bad, but I had no idea how deranged some people could get about it. And I feel so bad for Damien Echols. The shit he went through because one p.o decided he was a satanist. #lawEnforcementSucks #westMemphis #ssatanicPanic #massHysteria #scary
#westmemphisthree #lawenforcementsucks #westmemphis #ssatanicpanic #masshysteria #scary