Lidl is probably one of the less expensive places to buy food, chocs etc. Even so, I bought a chocolate orange for someone today. It cost £1.45. At Christmas the cost was 99p. I believe cost more in other venues. My supermarket bill was huge (yet my trolley wasn't overly full and did not have alcohol or what could be considered luxuries in it.) I just don't understand why we are not all out on the Streets. We are rather pathetic.
#ukpolitics #uk #costofliving #westminstergovernment
With the Westminster Government treating people like its serfs, trying to stop their rights etc. I'm thinking it's more than time for a General Strike to show them, they are supposed to represent us, the people.
#UK #HoLs #Mastodon #Fediverse
#GeneralStrike #Serfs #WestminsterGovernment #GTTO
#uk #Hols #mastodon #fediverse #generalstrike #serfs #westminstergovernment #GTTO