@peterrenshaw · @peterrenshaw
171 followers · 409 posts · Server ioc.exchange

said in a release to the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) on Wednesday that firm had found evidence of unauthorised access to a Hosted Exchange service used by iiNet and Westnet business customers. A Hosted service is a product that is operated by and to provide services to customers – typically as part of a bundle of business or home broadband services.” # #
My old ISP & email provider, Netspace (a Unix shop) was gobbled up by iinet. From ‘94 to ‘15 without a breach. <theguardian.com/business/2022/>

#tpg #cybersecurity #mandiant #exchange #microsoft #iinet #westnet #email

Last updated 2 years ago

Its caroling Stu · @stufromoz
611 followers · 7919 posts · Server aus.social

This would be concerning if you were on those email servers..

#iinet #westnet #crypto #hackers

Last updated 2 years ago