#Denver resident dies after contracting #WestNile after a #mosquito bite. https://www.9news.com/article/news/health/denver-west-nile-virus-death/73-956f1466-72c0-41b4-8acc-baa70671bc26
West Nile, primo caso umano della stagione nell'Oristanese
📌 Un uomo di 72 anni è stato ricoverato all'ospedale San Martino di Oristano e poi trasferito nel reparto di malattie infettive
Mosquitoes that carry West Nile are becoming resistant to insecticides, CDC says
NBC News got rare access to the federal health agency's insect lab in Colorado where scientists study the spread of mosquitoes and the illnesses they carry.
"At CDC's insect lab located in Fort Collins, Colorado — home to tens of thousands of mosquitoes — Connelly's team has found that Culex mosquitoes are living longer when they're exposed to insecticides."
#insects #mosquitoes #westnile
Mosquitos trapped in Prince George's County test positive for West Nile https://wjla.com/news/local/mosquitos-west-nile-virus-detected-maryland-bowie-prince-georges-county-maryland-anne-arundel-county-department-of-health-infected-humans-animals-bite-bug-repellent-deet-lemon-eucalyptus #MD #WestNile #Maryland #DC
Mosquitoes spread West Nile
Insecticides no longer work
A new solution?
#westnile #mosquitoes #insecticide #cdc #haiku #poetry
We have had an usually wet spring. Our horses are vaccinated for West Nile, and for the first time ever, we hired Mosquito Squad to spray around our house. #LarimerCounty #WestNile #Mosquitos #Colorado
#larimercounty #westnile #mosquitos #colorado
Venti #virus pericolosi sorvegliati speciali: la minaccia di nuove pandemie
📌 #Dengue, #Zika, #Chikungunya, e #WestNile sono solo alcuni dei patogeni sotto stretta osservazione. Preoccupano soprattutto Africa e Asia
📌 I cambiamenti degli ecosistemi…sono in grado di influenzare molteplici vie di trasmissione delle malattie infettive, aumentando il rischio di nuove epidemie in tutto il pianeta e modificando l’ epidemiologia di alcune malattie infettive
#virus #dengue #zika #Chikungunya #westnile
#LightPollution Could Extend Biting Season for #Mosquitoes, Increasing #WestNile Risk
#lightpollution #mosquitoes #westnile
Heart-stopping moment for a second as West Nile Virus confirmed in a #UK #horse today. Thankfully likely an imported case but surely only a matter of time before we acquire our own cases due to #ClimateChange. The prospect of being the vet that misses this keeps me awake at night - especially with horses being a sentinel species for human infection. #OneHealth #Veterinary #VetMed #epidemiology #virology #wnv #westnile
#uk #horse #ClimateChange #OneHealth #veterinary #vetmed #epidemiology #virology #wnv #westnile
Test of mosquitoes in Tulsa finds West Nile virus; health officials push precautions
#Oklahoma #Tulsa #mosquitoes #westnile