"An extraordinary new #documentary, filmed on the ground in #WestPapua, exposes the #CrimesAgainstHumanity being committed by the #Indonesia|n military in the highlands of Kiwirok, #Papua, where chemical and other banned weapons have been used against the civilian population."
#ColonialViolence #SettlerColonialism #HumanRights #colonialism #Indigenous #FirstPeoples #FreeWestPapua
#paradisebombed #documentary #westpapua #crimesagainsthumanity #indonesia #papua #colonialviolence #settlercolonialism #humanrights #colonialism #indigenous #firstpeoples #freewestpapua #friendlyjordies
The Struggle for Freedom in West Papua
#WestPapua #Indonesia #GuerrillaStruggle
#westpapua #indonesia #GuerrillaStruggle
The Mine at the Center of West Papua’s Colonization
#WestPapua #IndigenousStruggle #AntiIm perialiststruggle
#westpapua #IndigenousStruggle #antiim
"New Zealand pilot kidnapping exposes Indonesia’s Papua ‘hotspot’" https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/6/5/new-zealand-pilot-kidnapping-exposes-indonesias-papua-hotspot #WestPapua
Elusive and likely critically endangered, New Guinea Singing Dogs are rapidly disappearing and have no formal protection. Fight against #palmoil #deforestation in #WestPapua and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife https://palmoildetectives.com/2022/12/25/new-guinea-singing-dog-canis-hallstromi/ via @palmoildetect
#palmoil #deforestation #westpapua #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife
PNG politician orders police to ‘shoot to kill’ drug runners along border https://bit.ly/42qw9nW #WestPapua
Open letter: Canberra must call on UN to ‘rectify breaches’ over West Papuan decolonisation https://bit.ly/3VjMYi2 #WestPapua
RT @HevalZenar
LONDON ANTI IMPREALIST protest in Solidarity with #Haitian🇭🇹
United in Resistance from #Haiti -#Kurdistan❤️☀️💚 to #WestPapua❤️💙🤍✊🏾
#Haitianrevolution #FreeWestPapua #Papua #FreeKurdistan❤️☀️💚 #Kurd #Kurdî #Kurdish #BlackLivesMatter #HaitianLivesMatter #KurdishLivesMatter
#haitian #haiti #kurdistan #westpapua #HaitianRevolution #freewestpapua #papua #freekurdistan #kurd #kurdi #kurdish #blacklivesmatter #HaitianLivesMatter #KurdishLivesMatter
RT @HevalZenar
Yesterday, 26 April 2023, was a historic day for West Papua.
Finally, a new network, namely “Labour Friends of West Papua”
#FreeWestPapua♥️💙🤍✊🏽 #WestPapua #Papua #PapuaMerdeka #LabourFriendsOfWestPapua #ULMWP #WelcomeUNHC #London #UK #Britain
#freewestpapua #westpapua #papua #papuamerdeka #labourfriendsofwestpapua #ulmwp #WelcomeUNHC #london #uk #britain #papuamilitantinternational
Vila-based Indonesian ‘troll’ page targets Papuan advocates https://bit.ly/3AE4nZu #WestPapua
New video shows NZ pilot alive and well nearly three months after being kidnapped by West Papua separatists https://bit.ly/44fXf35 #WestPapua
Hello world! Follow us to see the latest news from the Pacific and around the globe. #WestPapua #PNG #SolomonIslands #Kanaky #Vanuatu #Fiji #NZ
#westpapua #png #solomonislands #Kanaky #Vanuatu #fiji #nz
Regal forest-dwellers in #WestPapua, the #PapuanEagle’s main threats incl. #hunting #mining #timber and #palmoil #deforestation. They have no protections in place. Help them and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife https://palmoildetectives.com/2022/09/28/papuan-eagle-harpyopsis-novaeguineae-2/ via @palmoildetect
#westpapua #papuaneagle #hunting #mining #timber #palmoil #deforestation #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife
West Papuan Guerrillas Ambush Indonesian Troops Looking for Captured Pilot
#WestPapua #FreeWestPapua #Guerrilla
#westpapua #freewestpapua #Guerrilla
New Guinea Singing Dog Canis hallstromi - #Papua #WestPapua #papuanewguinea
@palmoildetectives #PalmOil #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife #PalmOilKILLS
#papua #westpapua #papuanewguinea #palmoil #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife #palmoilkills
West Papuans demand
For Indonesia to talk peace
Kidnapped pilot cries
#westpapua #indonesia #kidnapping #peace #haiku #poetry
West Papua and an indigenous-led future
On Tuesday 18th April there will be an opportunity to listen to members of the West Papuan Liberation Movement to learn about the anti-colonial struggle in West Papua, and their vision for an ecological future. The free online event is supported by the Land Wo
#anti-colonialism #BennyWenda #LandWorkersAlliance #palmoil #Solidarity #WestPapua #WestPapuanLiberationMovement
#anti #bennywenda #landworkersalliance #palmoil #solidarity #westpapua #westpapuanliberationmovement
BREAKING: Henry Kissinger dies, aged 99
Today we celebrate the life of Henry Kissinger. A Gemini, chair of the 9/11 Commission, Harvard educated, a refugee who fled Nazi Germany in the 30s.
Having died today, on this day, that means Kissinger lived for 36,470 days.
An estimated 365,000 Viet
#Allende #Bangladesh #HenryKissinger #HenryKissingerdies #Kissinger #Kissingerdies #MyLaimassacre #Vietnam #WestPapua
#allende #bangladesh #henrykissinger #henrykissingerdies #kissinger #kissingerdies #mylaimassacre #vietnam #westpapua
The forgotten women of West Papua: their stories, in their own words—and why you should be paying attention. #WestPapua #humanrights https://conversationalist.org/2023/03/27/west-papua-indigenous-women-idps-crisis-indonesia/