Didn't need all those extra stairs at the Franz Sigel Monument.
#CarBrain #FranzSigel
#upperwestside #franzsigel #carbrain #absurdity #ourtaxesatwork #westsiderag
Tweeted https://twitter.com/search?q=%23WestSideHighway&src=typed_query to #DannyKatman. Maybe will see something in #WestSideRag
Heard indirectly that 3 employees of #RiversideParkConservancy were directing traffic.
Highway Unit 1 responsible for #WestsideHighway.
Don't know about bike tour. Cherry Walk today very busy
#westsidehighway #riversideparkconservancy #westsiderag #dannykatman
@DannyKatman I've only been going back to twitter to see what Gersh Kuntzman is up to. Congratulations on your work with the #WestSideRag. I missed last night's Community Affairs meeting. I never put it in my calendar.