Vermutlich haben Sie schon von #Westsplaining gehört? Neuerdings wird auch von #Russplaining gesprochen oder ironisch von #Eastsplaining. Doch welcher Westen und Osten sind gemeint? Sylvia Sasse mit einer Analyse.
#westsplaining #russplaining #eastsplaining
„ #Westsplaining meint auch die historische #Ignoranz, die mit einem Überlegenheitsgefühl einhergeht, moralisch wie politisch das einzig Richtige zu tun.“
Jetzt widmet sich ein Sammelband dem Phänomen, „die #koloniale Missachtung des #Selbstbestimmungsrecht|s der ,kleinen Nationen‘“, über die „herablassende und paternalistische Haltung“ von #Intellektuelle|n des Westens „zu den Meinungen, Gedanken und Überzeugungen der Europäer aus Osteuropa“.
#westsplaining #Ignoranz #koloniale #selbstbestimmungsrecht #intellektuelle
@Karamels stai dicendo che chi accusava di #westsplaining faceva #FirstWorldsplaining @las_lallero
#westsplaining #FirstWorldsplaining
@Karamels sarebbe un vero peccato se i disertori ucraini, russi, moldavi, tatari, polacchi facessero #eastsplaining a chi accusava altri che invitavano a disertare di fare #westsplaining @ggg
Großartig, wie A. Tikhomirova #linksautoritär|es #Westsplaining erklärt.
Und sehr ernüchternd, was die deutsche Linke betrifft.
#linksautoritar #westsplaining
I dag er det 20 år siden fredsbevegelsens historiske høydepunkt da millioner av mennesker verden over protesterte mot USAs invasjon av Irak.
Det lyktes ikke, USA invaderte likevel og endte i den kjente "hengemyra". Til tross for at fredsbevegelsen hadde rett den gangen så endte den samme bevegelsen også i en hengemyr.
Mesteparten av energien gikk ut av bevegelsen. En del av bevegelsen fortsatte med den etablerte kampen mot atomvåpen og andre våpen og oppnådde flere seire (som miner og klasevåpen). Den "antiimperialistiske" delen av fredsbevegelsen ble derimot et ideologisk konkursbo. Lange utlegninger om "folkeretten" og fanatisk motstand mot USA ble standarden. Enkelte gikk så langt som å støtte islamister som kjempet mot USA med terror, mens de fleste brukte tid på å forklare hvordan det egentlig var USA og Vesten som var roten til alt ondt. Altså det vi idag kaller #westsplaining
Med den arabiske våren og borgerkrigen i Libya og Syria ramlet mesteparten av denne delen av fredsbevegelsen i grøfta. Fordi USA litt halvhjertet støttet opprørerne så kunne ikke "antiimperialistene" forstå det som noe annet amerikansk imperialisme. Russisk propaganda, spesielt RT, klarte å etablere seg som en alliert for dette synet, og idag sliter den samme bevegelsen med å forstå Ukraina.
Trinity College are hosting an event #Westsplaining #Ukraine without Ukrainian speakers, platforming a Russian academic to explain Ukrainian language. TCD twitter post below. Take a read of the comments for context. As @eristavi says, TCD should stop digging. Any #mastodaoine want to join me emailing to point out their errors? Provost at tcd . ie Trinity.Communications at tcd . ie
#westsplaining #ukraine #mastodaoine
#Mansplaining, #whitesplaining, #westsplaining—these and other words for 'inequality of voice' signify so much more than condescension, writes Rebecca Solnit.
#EpistemicInjustice #TestimonialInjustice #HermeneuticalInjustice #EpistemicJustice #EpistemicInequality #EpistemicColoniality
#mansplaining #whitesplaining #westsplaining #epistemicInjustice #testimonialinjustice #hermeneuticalinjustice #EpistemicJustice #epistemicinequality #epistemiccoloniality
I wanted to share a great blog that debunks #westsplaining from the perspective of people living in central/eastern Europe. It takes some of the common arguments in the #West why #Ukraine should surrender to the #Russian aggressors and shows how they are misguided and frankly silly. I think it's well worth a read esp. if you do live in the West:
#eastsplaining #WarInUkraine #Europe #UkraineUpdate #EasternEurope
#westsplaining #west #ukraine #russian #eastsplaining #WARINUKRAINE #europe #ukraineupdate #easterneurope
Ah, comunque: l'operazione *#anarchici-#mafiosi* che fanno oggi #stato e #governo non è retoricamente difforme dall'accusa rapidissima di #westsplaining e di #putinismi vari a chiunque di inviti a cercare la via diplomatica sopra quella militare per il contenimento della #Russia.
#anarchici #Mafiosi #stato #governo #westsplaining #putinismi #russia
One of the things still missing here for me are certain feminist voices, like, related Central and Eastern European scholars and writers, African-Ukrainian voices, and so on. There's some here, but not a lot, and hashtags I know about, like #westsplaining, seem rather sparse, and male dominated?
It may very well be that I am not following the right people, just discovered that at least one follow didn't survive my move from Hachyderm.
Suggestions/boosts appreciated? Thanks 🙂
Watching Western voices explain to colonized nations why any efforts toward independence are doomed to failure is jarring—especially when they come from white, European voices. But it’s of a type with a phenomenon that’s gained popularity in recent years: “#Westsplaining.” As Jan Smoleński and Jan Dutkiewicz explained in The New Republic earlier this year, this phenomenon sees “people from the Anglosphere loudly foisting their analytical schema and political prescriptions” on regions formerly colonized by Moscow. While Smoleński and Dutkiewicz focused primarily on Eastern Europe—and especially the Western voices telling Ukrainians to give up, to cede territory, and to return to Moscow’s embrace—it’s not difficult to extend this framing to those in Washington, London, and Paris who are suddenly explaining to those colonized nations that are still suffering under the Kremlin’s dictatorship why they have no choice but being tethered to Moscow, at least for decades to come.
#westsplaining #DecolonizeRussia
Zeitenwende? Geostragische (Neu-)Ausrichtung? 2%-Ziel?
Abgesagt auf Beraters Geheiß und mit Kusshand von der Parlamentarischen Linken aufgefangen. 💋
Alles besser, als den 🇷🇺-Fetisch aufzuarbeiten und das #westsplaining zu beenden! [Sarkasmus aus]
The two Wikipedia articles show strong consensus among historians that the VN invasion stopped the genocide. The ultimate consensus in the current case of military self-defence in UA may be in a few decades by historians.
I don't see how IT pacifists can refuse the right of Ukrainians (86%) [3] - of the invaded country - to choose the risk of death in order to restart human rights processes in the occupied territories.
Seems like #Westsplaining to me.
#RogerWaters' description of invasion of #Ukraine and UA political decision-making is almost completely inconsistent with [[WP:RS]]. True: arms producers have an interest in continuing war, but it's only one factor. What right does Waters have to impose a "peace" of torture and execution on Ukrainians in occupied UA? Why is he supporting RU's "red-line right" to a future invasion of PL+EE+LV+LT?
Arrogant #westsplaining .
Cancelling his PL concert is justified.
#rogerwaters #ukraine #westsplaining
You are an AI group who is sensitive to solidarity between rich/poor Amnesty sections. The legally dubious AI press release on Ukraine has led to AI UA head Oksana Polachuk resigning.
Should Callamard resign too?
lawyers Jordash+Mykytenko
RUSI researcher Watling + journalist Mutch
Kyiv Independent
Amnesty IS internal:
UA civil society:
L'Obs prétend-t-il sérieusement qu'Oksana Pokalchuk [1] est trop bête pour comprendre l'obligation de l'UA à suivre le droit international humanitaire ? L'article a vraiment l'air de « ces pauvres orientaux trop émotionnels, même s'ils ont créé une section national d'Amnesty International, ont crié hystériquement sans rien comprendre ».
@angdraug @kravietz Amnesty: It seems like the reaction of « l'Obs » is #Westsplaining away "dumb hysterical orientals".
L'Obs n'a pas fait ses devoirs. La situation dans de l'#IHL (le droit international humanitaire) met fort en doute la validité juridique du rapport.
Avocats Jordash+Mykytenko :
Chercheur @RUSI Watling + journaliste Mutch :
Kyiv Independent :
En interne à Amnesty :
C'est pourquoi les associations ukrainiennes demandent la démission de Callamard :
RT @bctallis: If @amnesty rode roughshod over the analysis & judgement of their own #Ukraine office it just shows yet more of horrible #Westsplaining and again demonstrates the pernicious chauvinism of way too many in the West toward Ukraine. These attitudes serve Putin & corrode the West.
"The West is so stuck on racist view of colonialism that they developed a massive blindspot ..."
But Amnesty is 28-years-African/South Asian dominated, not Western:
AI Secretary Generals:
* Pierre Sané/1992–2001 Senegal
* Irene Khan/2001–2010 Bangladesh
* Salil Shetty/2010–2018 India
* Kumi Naidoo/2018–2020 South Africa
* Julie Verhaar/2020–2021 (Acting)
* Agnès Callamard/2021–now France
#AfroSAsianSplaining, not #WestSplaining
cc @nemobis
#AfroSAsianSplaining #westsplaining