Westbourne Park underground station with the Westway and Trellick Tower in the background, 1974 (credit: Jonathan Barker) #london #westbournepark #westway #trellicktower
#london #westbournepark #westway #trellicktower
London’s lost mega-motorway: the eight-lane ring road that would have destroyed much of the city | London | The Guardian
The forbidding aspect of Southwyck House was deliberately designed to muffle the roar of an eight lane, elevated motorway, planned to slash through #Brixton. Mercifully, it was never built, but other travesties like the elevated section of the A40 - the #Westway - give you an idea of a #London that might have been.
The forbidding aspect of Southwyck House was deliberately designed to muffle the roar of an eight lane, elevated motorway, planned to slash through #Brixton. Mercifully, it was never built, but other travesties like the elevated section of the A40 - the #Westway - give you an idea of a #London that might have been.
Westway / Paddington
Westminster end of the Westway elevated trunk road, completed c.1970 [D850 | Aug '22]
#architecture #photography #westway #paddington
#architecture #photography #westway #paddington