Does anyone else watch The West Wing when you're sick? #westwing #thewestwing #sick #illness
#westwing #thewestwing #sick #illness
Every time I watch S5 of the #WestWing the blatant continuity error of episode 3 drives me insane. What should be taking place around May 10 is instead taking place on July 4. I suppose it's a sign of what's to come in the series. Seems really lazy to me.
He's a 10 but he doesn't want Elsie Snuffin and General Nicholas Alexander from The West Wing to smooch. #TheWestWing #westwing #aaronsorkin #ElsieSnuffin #DanicaMcKellar #GeneralNicholasAlexander #TerryOQuinn
#thewestwing #westwing #aaronsorkin #elsiesnuffin #danicamckellar #generalnicholasalexander #terryoquinn
The West Wing terugkijken op vakantie, en toch geschokt raken door dit in de huidige tijd onvoorstelbare beeld van de stand van IT in 1999
#westwing #apple #richardschiff
#westwing #apple #richardschiff
Mainstream #reporters are losing patience on the #WhiteHouse response to the #cocaine discovery in the #WestWing.
#reporters #whitehouse #cocaine #westwing
I guess Josh Lyman isn't getting his 'little pick-me-up' today.
Who doesn't ship Wyatonna (Andrea Wyatt and Ronna) from The West Wing? #TheWestWing #westwing #aaronsorkin #AndreaWyatt #KathleenYork #Ronna #KarisCampbell
#thewestwing #westwing #aaronsorkin #andreawyatt #kathleenyork #ronna #kariscampbell
Flirt with each other already Reporter Sandy and Steve Atwood from The West Wing 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 #TheWestWing #westwing #aaronsorkin #ReporterSandy #DorisEMcMillon #SteveAtwood #ZeljkoIvanek
#thewestwing #westwing #aaronsorkin #reportersandy #dorisemcmillon #steveatwood #zeljkoivanek
Reporter Sally and Chief Justice Roy Ashland from The West Wing should literally smooch! #TheWestWing #westwing #aaronsorkin #ReporterSally #BeckyMeister #ChiefJusticeRoyAshland #MiloOShea
#thewestwing #westwing #aaronsorkin #reportersally #beckymeister #chiefjusticeroyashland #milooshea
Thinking about Senator Thomas and Lauren Chin from The West Wing getting married is giving us most of the feels! #TheWestWing #westwing #aaronsorkin #SenatorThomas #ThomasJMcCarthy #LaurenChin #CatherineKwong
#thewestwing #westwing #aaronsorkin #senatorthomas #thomasjmccarthy #laurenchin #catherinekwong
@tc_morekindness I only watched the first four episodes of Season 1. I figured none of the children would succeed. I guessed Tom or Greg would do well. If I had stayed on to learn Alexander Skarsgard was in the show it would have been pretty obvious. I watched the first season of Yellowstone and gave up on that too. Writing from Australia I struggle with Republicans. Its more comforting to watch The West Wing again.
#succession #successionfinale #republicans #westwing
#succession #successionfinale #republicans #westwing
😁 We just want USAF Gen Alan Adamle and Mr. Cameron from The West Wing to kiss. #TheWestWing #westwing #aaronsorkin #USAFGenAlanAdamle #GeraldMcRaney #MrCameron #JodyWood
#thewestwing #westwing #aaronsorkin #usafgenalanadamle #geraldmcraney #mrcameron #jodywood
ホテルJALシティ羽田 ウエストウイング, デラックスツイン 505号室, Hotel JAL City Haneda West wing, Deluxe twin room 2022/11
#deluxe #haneda #hotel #jal #JALCity #Japanhotelreviews #Twinroom #westwing #ウエストウイング #シティ #ツイン #デラックス #ホテル #ホテルJALシティ #ホテルのクチコミ #ホテルのレビュー #ホテルの口コミ #羽田
#deluxe #haneda #hotel #JAL #jalcity #japanhotelreviews #twinroom #westwing #ウエストウイング #シティ #ツイン #デラックス #ホテル #ホテルjalシティ #ホテルのクチコミ #ホテルのレビュー #ホテルの口コミ #羽田
Los colores de moda para esta primavera #AFC_News #AFColegiado #Pintarhabitación #Westwing #Consejos
#afc_news #afcolegiado #pintarhabitacion #westwing #consejos
ホテルJALシティ羽田 ウエストウイング, スタンダードツイン 815号室, Hotel JAL City Haneda West wing, Standard twin room 2022/11
#haneda #hotel #jal #JALCity #Japanhotelreviews #standard #Twinroom #westwing #ウエストウイング #シティ #スタンダード #ツイン #ホテル #ホテルJALシティ #ホテルのクチコミ #ホテルのレビュー #ホテルの口コミ #羽田
#haneda #hotel #JAL #jalcity #japanhotelreviews #standard #twinroom #westwing #ウエストウイング #シティ #スタンダード #ツイン #ホテル #ホテルjalシティ #ホテルのクチコミ #ホテルのレビュー #ホテルの口コミ #羽田
Like this tweet if you want Annie and Annabeth Schott from The West Wing to canoodle. I'm trying to see something. #TheWestWing #westwing #aaronsorkin #Annie #AnnieMorgan #AnnabethSchott #KristinChenoweth
#thewestwing #westwing #aaronsorkin #annie #anniemorgan #annabethschott #kristinchenoweth
Happy Birthday Stockard Channing 🎂
#Grease #Rizzo
#WestWing #AbbeyBartlet
b. 13 February 1944 New York City, New York
#grease #rizzo #westwing #abbeybartlet #stockardchanning
- "...the disproportional response..."
- "Mr. President, are you suggesting we carpet bomb Damascus?"
It's crazy that it's been 23 years since it first aired, but #westwing is still the best TV-series ever created.
Two weeks vacation, so might as well catch up on some classic shows.
Why does Mrs. Landingham’s death always sneak up on me and crash like a ton of bricks every damned time? #WestWing