Trouvaille magnifique de #bigbox aux chiffoniers à #morlaix !
#monkeyisland #commandandconquer #baldursgate #landsoflore #westwoodstudios #retrogaming
#retrogaming #westwoodstudios #landsoflore #baldursgate #commandandconquer #monkeyisland #morlaix #bigbox
@tk Gentlemen, it's a nuclear device. #RA2 #RedAlert2 #westwoodstudios
#ra2 #redalert2 #westwoodstudios
I don't know about anyone else but every time I hear or read some marketing for #Dune2 I get a visceral nostalgic rush about the #original #RTS game from #WestwoodStudios. Many hours of play time and that dreaded "Missile Approaching!" warning. #TooLateToSave #Wormsign #AtreidesForever #RetroGaming #ShowingMyAge
#dune2 #original #rts #westwoodstudios #toolatetosave #wormsign #atreidesforever #retrogaming #showingmyage
How the Gulf War, Apple's drag-select and "cheesed together" FMVs gave us Command & Conquer - #Command&ConquerRemasteredCollection; #Command&Conquer;:RedAlert #Command&Conquer; #PetroglyphGames #WestwoodStudios #Blockbuster #Interview #Strategy
#strategy #interview #blockbuster #westwoodstudios #petroglyphgames #command
Ahhh, odpaliłem sobie ten remaster Command & Conquer i...
Wychowałem się na C&C, a w Red Alert grałem tyle godzin, że gdyby je przeliczyć na włosy, to dziś miałbym pióra po same jaja. Te cudowne wstawki filmowe (które w remasterze, przez jakość, wyglądają równie drewnienie jak kiedyś!), ta fabuła ze złodupcami, te szybkie misje, te okrzyki wrogów, te harvestery zbierające tyberium, KO-CHAM!
Remaster zawiera dodatkowo pierwsze Red Alerta, ale tego zostawiam sobie na weekend - jak wleci Hell March, czyli jeden z moich ulubionych utworów w grze, to chyba się po prostu sfajdam w gacie. Każdy kto zna RA i pamięta muzykę, ten wie o czym mówię. Łeb sam się bujał, a noga napierdalała kopa w biurko. Nie dało się nie gibać przy tej muzyce.
Remaster C&C podnosi rozdzielczość, poprawia sporo, ALE mimo remontu nie zmieniło się tu jedno - klimat ancymony, klimat! Command & Conquer (i w ogóle gry Westwood Studios) sprawiły że strategie są moim ulubionym gatunkiem jeśli chodzi o granie na kompie. Może też dlatego tak lubię te wszystkie symulatory sołtysa. 🤔
Na Steam jest teraz promka, Command & Conquer Remastered Collection kosztuje teraz... dyszkę. Za dyszkę to jest kurwa interes życia. I jak coś, to wersja u Grubego nie wymaga tego zasranego Origina od EA. 🥰
PS: Popatrzcie na screeny. Pięknie sobie wtedy twórcy gry wyobrażali Polskę, a konkretnie Białystok. xD
#c&c #command&conquer #westwoodstudios #rts #redalert #gry #steam #commandandconquerremastered #remaster
#c #command #westwoodstudios #rts #redalert #gry #steam #commandandconquerremastered #remaster
The C&C; Remastered Collection is just a few bucks (or quid) on Steam this week - #Command&ConquerRemasteredCollection; #PetroglyphGames #WestwoodStudios #ElectronicArts #Strategy
#strategy #electronicarts #westwoodstudios #petroglyphgames #command
Blade Runner's superior ScummVM version is available directly via GOG again - #BladeRunner:EnhancedEdition #NightdiveStudios #WestwoodStudios #PointandClick #BladeRunner #StoryRich
#bladerunner #nightdivestudios #westwoodstudios #pointandclick #StoryRich
Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition on Steam now includes the better ScummVM release - #BladeRunner:EnhancedEdition #NightdiveStudios #ActionAdventure #WestwoodStudios #BladeRunner #StoryRich
#bladerunner #nightdivestudios #ActionAdventure #westwoodstudios #StoryRich
The Blade Runner game's new remaster looks worse - #BladeRunner:EnhancedEdition #NightdiveStudios #WestwoodStudios #ScienceFiction #BladeRunner #StoryRich
#bladerunner #nightdivestudios #westwoodstudios #sciencefiction #StoryRich
DC Live! The Lion King Livestream at 9PM ET
I had originally planned to start Final Fantasy VIII this week. Then I had completely forgotten that it was Easter Sunday, a holiday I do observe. Since the requestor of FFVIII lives in Europe, a late stream after a holiday
#Livestream #Videogames #AnalogueMegaSG #Disney #DisneySoftware #livestream #SegaGenesis #TheLionKing #Twitch #VirginInteractive #WestwoodStudios
#livestream #videogames #AnalogueMegaSG #disney #DisneySoftware #segagenesis #thelionking #twitch #virgininteractive #westwoodstudios
DC Live! The Lion King Livestream at 9PM ET
I had originally planned to start Final Fantasy VIII this week. Then I had completely forgotten that it was Easter Sunday, a holiday I do observe. Since the requestor of FFVIII lives in Europe, a late stream after a holiday
#Livestream #Videogames #AnalogueMegaSG #Disney #DisneySoftware #livestream #SegaGenesis #TheLionKing #Twitch #VirginInteractive #WestwoodStudios
#livestream #videogames #AnalogueMegaSG #disney #DisneySoftware #segagenesis #thelionking #twitch #virgininteractive #westwoodstudios
Nightdive's Blade Runner remaster is delayed - #NightdiveStudios #WestwoodStudios #PCGameNews #delay
#nightdivestudios #westwoodstudios #pcgamenews #delay
You forgot all about Nox, and should probably put that right - #FeaturedArticles #WestwoodStudios #PastPerfect #feature #retro #Nox
#featuredarticles #westwoodstudios #pastperfect #feature #retro #Nox
Command & Conquer Remastered is a big hit of nostalgia – but will it be a great RTS? - #real-timestrategy #FeaturedArticles #LemonSkyStudios #petroglyphgames #WestwoodStudios #feature #preview #EA
#real #featuredarticles #LemonSkyStudios #petroglyphgames #westwoodstudios #feature #preview #ea
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection is coming June 5th - #LemonSkyStudios #WestwoodStudios #ElectronicArts #PCGameNews #Petroglyph
#LemonSkyStudios #westwoodstudios #electronicarts #pcgamenews #petroglyph
Have You Played… Yuri's Revenge? - #FeaturedArticles #WestwoodStudios #HaveYouPlayed #EAGames #feature
#featuredarticles #westwoodstudios #haveyouplayed #EAGames #feature
Blade Runner is back! It's on GOG! You can buy it! It works! - #WestwoodStudios #PCGameNews #gog
#westwoodstudios #pcgamenews #gog
Blade Runner is now easily playable in ScummVM - #WestwoodStudios #PCGameNews #ScummVM
#westwoodstudios #pcgamenews #scummvm
Have You Played…Command & Conquer: Red Alert? - #FeaturedArticles #WestwoodStudios #ElectronicArts #HaveYouPlayed #feature
#featuredarticles #westwoodstudios #electronicarts #haveyouplayed #feature