Party like it's 1989 to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the historic Ferry Building in downtown San Francisco! On June 13, youth ride the ferry for free, and the Ferry Building hosts activities and giveaways.
#weta #alameda #FerryTickets #SanFranciscoBayFerry #AVeryFerryBirthdayParty #FerryBuildingMarketplace
#weta #alameda #ferrytickets #sanfranciscobayferry #averyferrybirthdayparty #ferrybuildingmarketplace
All aboard! The SF Bay Ferry celebrates its second highest ridership day since 2020 and looks ahead to a successful rest of 2023 as numbers continue to rise.
#weta #ferry #alameda #publictransit #sanfranciscobayferry
The Estuary Water Shuttle summertime pilot between West Alameda and Jack London Square has been cancelled after "a lack of clear communication," but the program will run in 2024. Ken Der also reports on proposed upgrades to Park and Webster streets following COVID-19 reorganizations.
#weta #alameda #ParkStreet #WebsterStreet #JackLondonSquare #EstuaryWaterShuttle #ActiveTransportationPlan #BoholCircleImmigrantPark #AlamedaCountyTransportationCommission
#weta #alameda #parkstreet #websterstreet #jacklondonsquare #estuarywatershuttle #activetransportationplan #boholcircleimmigrantpark #alamedacountytransportationcommission
Local and transportation leaders came together to celebrate upgrades for four Gemini-class ferries that now have Tier 4 certified engines. Ken Der reports that the the vessels will now emit 85% fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
#weta #baaqmd #alameda #oakland #environment #PublicTransit #transportation #electrification #GreenhouseGases #SanFranciscoBayFerry #AlamedaCountyTransportationCommission
#weta #baaqmd #alameda #Oakland #environment #publictransit #transportation #electrification #greenhousegases #sanfranciscobayferry #alamedacountytransportationcommission
Thanks to a $13.8 million grant, Alameda’s Main Street Ferry Terminal is set to become the first to operate zero-emission electric ferries across the Bay—and first in the nation to offer such service at that distance.
#weta #ferry #alameda #transit #paratransit #electrification #SanFranciscoBayFerry #MainStreetFerryTerminal
#weta #ferry #alameda #transit #paratransit #electrification #sanfranciscobayferry #mainstreetferryterminal
A giant weta eating a carrot. #weta #giantweta #Insect #NewZealand #nz
#weta #giantweta #insect #newzealand #nz
City Council is set to negotiate four property leases at Alameda Point, including two hanger leases and two leases at berthing space on a pier. Richard Bangert introduces the renters: a pesticide-delivery drone company, a medical device maker, the San Francisco Bay Ferry, and the USS Hornet Museum.
#weta #ferry #alameda #UssHornet #CityCouncil #environment #AlamedaPoint
#weta #ferry #alameda #usshornet #citycouncil #environment #alamedapoint
The floating raft of harbor seals off of Alameda Point started out as an experiment. Richard Bangert reports the remarkable success of the installation, which is now influencing harbor seal research and conservation efforts.
#WETA #Alameda #Environment #HarborSeals #AlamedaPoint #NewYorkAquarium
#weta #alameda #environment #harborseals #alamedapoint #newyorkaquarium
Heya! It's been a while since I shared a work-in-progress of my latest character project here!
But here goes; this will probably be my last work-in-progress before sharing the final render. I just need to make some final tweaks to her necklace and some other small improvements.
Other than that though, I am really happy with how this fanart is coming along!
#Avatar #AvatarTheWayOfWater #Kiri #Fanart #Blender #Blender3D #b3d #art #sculpt #weta #wetadigital
#wetadigital #weta #sculpt #art #b3d #blender3d #blender #FanArt #kiri #avatarthewayofwater #avatar
The proposed program would lock in the SF Bay Ferry fare cuts established by the Pandemic Recovery Program for the next five years and establish small 3% annual increases on fares for regular service.
#weta #alameda #ferrytickets #sanfranciscobayferry
#FensterFreitag #FensterFriday #WindowFriday
Hobbit Hole window in the Shire, Hobbiton, Middle Earth.
#TheLordOfTheRings #LordOfTheRings #LOTR #TheHobbit #Shire #Tolkien #WETA #Fenster #window #PhotographersOfMastodon #Photography #Photographer #Aotearoa #AotearoaNZ #NZ #NewZealand
#fensterfreitag #Fensterfriday #WindowFriday #thelordoftherings #lordoftherings #lotr #thehobbit #shire #tolkien #weta #Fenster #window #photographersofmastodon #photography #photographer #aotearoa #AotearoaNZ #nz #newzealand
"Shadow in the Cloud" is.... quite a ride. WW2 era, claustrophobic, but with a modern synthesizer sound ("Escape from New York" vibes in that regard). Kudos to somebody daring to propose that script, somebody signing off on it and somebody actually going through with it (#vfx by #weta !)
But don't watch any trailers (total spoilers)! Trashy movies are only fun if you are actually taken aback by where they end up after going completely off the rails 🍿
#movie #shadowinthecloud #weta #vfx
For January 23, 2023: Alameda County Women's Hall of Fame nominations are open, Olive Little is painting pet portraits to raise funds for the Warming Shelter, AMP is planning on moving utility lines underground, and 99% positive ferry feedback.
#WETA #Alameda #SFBayFerry #PetPortraits #UtilityLines #AlamedaCounty #Undergrounding #WarmingShelter #AlamedaMunicipalPower #UndergroundUtilityDistrict #AlamedaCountyWomen'sHallOfFame
#weta #alameda #sfbayferry #petportraits #utilitylines #alamedacounty #undergrounding #warmingshelter #alamedamunicipalpower #undergroundutilitydistrict #alamedacountywomen
Remembering our amazing 2019 pre-COVID trip to New Zealand which included a visit to Middle Earth and the Shire, Hobbiton!
#AotearoaNZ #NZ #NewZealand #TheLordOfTheRings #LOTR #TheHobbit #Shire #WETA
#AotearoaNZ #nz #newzealand #thelordoftherings #lotr #thehobbit #shire #weta
The battle at Helms Deep is 20.
#twotowers #lotr #cinematography #movies #weta #peterjackson #filmmaking
#twotowers #lotr #cinematography #movies #weta #peterjackson #filmmaking
Oh, hello! Getting the sun loungers out of the shed for what promises to be a glorious week, and who turns up 🙂? #wētā #fantasticbeats
@bevan and a great segue into their films. Out of interest, did this model come about after they did Avatar? The tie-ins and story behind the #Kauri and the features of the film are very strong. I wonder if you could help the cause on the back of the forthcoming sequel? #WetaFX #Weta #WetaDigital #Avatar ##waikato
#kauri #WetaFX #weta #wetadigital #avatar #waikato
I have a lot to be thankful, but most importantly, I thank my friends and family for enriching my life. I also want to thank #weta radio for playing such magnificent, classical music, particularly today. I began my day listening to Bach and Grieg, and I concluded it by listening to #Beethoven’s #NinthSymphony and #Vivaldi’s #FourSeasons. Hallelujah!
#weta #beethoven #ninthsymphony #vivaldi #fourseasons