Ika Makimaki · @pezmico
2040 followers · 5691 posts · Server mastodon.nz

Yes my mask means I don't want to catch .

But more importantly,
It means I don't want to give anyone else Covid-19.

It means I believe all of our full, healthy lives are worth more than a tiny bit of personal inconvenience.


#COVID19 #MaskUp #mask4yourmates #wetakecareofus

Last updated 1 year ago

🐞 they_d_bugg 🐞 · @they_d_bugg
507 followers · 1784 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Comrades in the so-called Newark area: Passing out masks today if you need one. Let me know if you need location for distro. Heading over soon!

if anyone else can donate funds, we’re still collecting for high quality masks, and anything leftover goes directly into the food and supplies fund for related materials.

Thank you in advance! Please stay safe out there and remember we take care of us!

#MutualAid #MaskUp #wetakecareofus #newark #brickcity

Last updated 1 year ago

🐞 they_d_bugg 🐞 · @they_d_bugg
505 followers · 1595 posts · Server kolektiva.social

My favorite way to break gender stereotypes and simultaneously confront mask-wearing stigma is by holding the door for people while wearing a mask.

“Femme-presenting person holds door and wears mask” really seems to throw some people, and honestly, this is the shit I’m living for at this point. Disruption. Love. Holding doors. Politeness. Shining. “Have a good day!”

Wearing a mask is mutual aid. Holding the door for a stranger is mutual aid.

#CovidIsntOver #genderbending #hodor #holdthedoor #beaneighbor #MutualAid #wetakecareofus #seenostranger

Last updated 2 years ago

System 108 · @they_d_bugg
244 followers · 782 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Brick City Mutual Aid is collecting new and gently used in the so-called “Newark” area! Scarves, gloves and all cold-weather gear accepted.

Also if you’re not close and want to still give , please Venmo your contribution to BCMA-Newark. Every dollar helps! Thank you in advance.

#CoatsForComrades #MutualAid #newark #njma #wetakecareofus #newjersey #coatdrive

Last updated 2 years ago

Now we have a request for our community. One of our core organizers is experiencing medical issues requiring substantial bills. Please consider that this person would, and probably has, helped you in the same situation. Now they need us.

Donate here:

⤴️Share this post, don't just like it. We really need to flex this networks capabilities here and show up for our comrade.

#CRMAN #wetakecareofeachother #wetakecareofus #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #solidaritynotcharity

Last updated 2 years ago

Really fantastic video from Beau of the Fifth Column. Honestly inspirational. Would def recommend giving it a listen if you've got 15 minutes to spare (thanks to my friend maxi for sharing it with me :blobcat:).

Let's talk about fear and a tale of two neighborhoods...

#wetakecareofus #mutualaid #solidarity

Last updated 2 years ago


🤷‍♂️ Might as well make new ones for the original programs too, right?
Our oldest project, the community meal, with a beautiful new graphic to match the others.

🌻 Stay tuned for massive webpage changes coming soon.

#OperationHomeBase #CRMAN #solidaritynotcharity #solidarity #MutualAid #wetakecareofus

Last updated 3 years ago

So all seven days of the week you can find us out there.

Hard facts: even though we have grown enough to be feeding seven days a week, the need is still far beyond our capacity. If you can drive or cook AT ALL, even if it's very infrequently and you think it wouldn't help. It absolutely would. Get in touch.

#solidarity #solidaritynotcharity #CRMAN #MutualAid #wetakecareofus

Last updated 3 years ago


🚿 Our mobile shower brigade is bringing his showers and hygiene supplies to our local encampments every Thursday at 6 pm.

🥺 We would love for YOU to get involved. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have anything to contribute to any project we have.

More coming soon. ♥️

#solidarity #solidaritynotcharity #MutualAid #MobileShowers #wetakecareofus

Last updated 3 years ago

Haywood for stopping by and picking a huge collection of our literature and taking photos of the rest in order to educate themselves in how their hateful actions further create the material conditions you seek to solve, and not to possibly slander innocent people trying to improve those very condtions.

Remember the softest paws can have the sharpest claws.


#MayDay2022 #mayday #aberdeen #SOAPscum #CRMAN #IWW #wetakecareofus #solidarity #solidaritynotcharity

Last updated 3 years ago

housing crisis, how it is impacting us locally, and then participate in a discussion of possible liberatory solutions given such hostile political conditions. ✊

#solidaritynotcharity #MutualAid #MayDay2022 #wetakecareofeachother #wetakecareofus #HousingNotHandcuffs #CRMAN

Last updated 3 years ago

🙏📢 With an eviction looking at camp we are stocking up on essentials for those who choose to move out of the parking lot behind city hall. Please get in touch if you can help out donate.

#MutualAid #communitysupport #wetakecareofus

Last updated 3 years ago

💪 To get involved just reach out over socials, email, or text. We are looking for whatever skills you have for this movement.

#chehalisrivermutualaidnetwork #MutualAid #CRMAN #wetakecareofus #aberdeen #aberdeenwa #communitysupport #solidaritynotcharity

Last updated 3 years ago

We're back this Saturday. Big changes coming soon! Keep your eyes here.

#CRMAN #aberdeenwa #MutualAid #wetakecareofus

Last updated 3 years ago

🔥💪Heater progress report:

After a bout of COVID and some MUCH NEEDED rest. We are back at the heater builds.

Copper is coiled.
All the holes are drilled, and filled.
Time for some fuel tests.
Waiting for the wire safety enclosures to be built and these will be up for distribution.

If you need one reach out or drop a comment.

#housingisahumanright #aberdeenwa #MutualAid #aberdeen #CRMAN #communitysupport #wetakecareofus

Last updated 3 years ago

accomodations (24 hour warming centers) we will take care of ourselves. No permission required.

✊Thank you to everyone who donated their time and money in this effort and the border community support of and by the CWS. We are far from done, and we need y'all's support more than ever.

Heater plans: bit.ly/heaterblocbuild

Donation links: linktr.ee/crmutualaidnet

#communitysupport #wekeepussafe #solidaritynotcharity #housingisahumanright #CRMAN #wetakecareofus

Last updated 3 years ago

This community is amazing is what we can pull off together. There is often to much going to share even half of what we accomplish with everyone. Hopefully we can continue to grow this project in the new year. Thank you all. ❤️ To get involved just message us.

#wekeepussafe #communitysupport #MobileUnit #solidaritynotcharity #housingisahumanright #outreach #CRMAN #wetakecareofus

Last updated 3 years ago

The fascist creep in local or national politics got you down?

Worried politicians might all of a sudden try to criminalize poverty and put us in prison camps?

Too late!

Don't Panic, Organize!

#wetakecareofus #MutualAid #solidaritynotcharity #supportcamp3 #CRMAN

Last updated 3 years ago

🎄Here's a picture of the forest. Take a breath, drink some water. Take care of each other, no matter who tries to stop you. Solidarity forever.✊❤️

#solidaritynotcharity #CRMAN #wetakecareofus #supportcamp3 #crfoodnotbombs #wekeepussafe #MutualAid #foodnotbombs #seattleprotests

Last updated 3 years ago

It's getting wet and cold here soon. Please help us stock up for winter.

#wetakecareofus #MutualAid #CRMAN #solidaritynotcharity #crfoodnotbombs

Last updated 3 years ago