MÅrena fediverse from #Aotearoa #NZTwits in Murihiku Southland where we made a conscious choice to tread lightly on this #earth #SolarPower #OffGridSurviving #WoodstoveCooking
Enjoy socialising from the comfort of my free hot water bath each morning before climbing out to do #WFH #GLAM #Volunteer
#CommunityProjects while committing acts of #SocialJustice and #EnvironmentalActivism
It's not a lucrative lifestyle by any means, but it does serve others
#aotearoa #NZTwits #earth #solarpower #offgridsurviving #woodstovecooking #wetbackwaterheating #selfsufficiencyliving #wfh #glam #volunteer #communityprojects #socialjustice #environmentalactivism