The Algonquin have a word for a mind-parasite that compels people to extract and consume more, even at the cost of the destruction of the world around them, #Wetiko - an excellent summary on it and how it relates to #capitalism and #climatechange here:
#wetiko #capitalism #climatechange
When first peoples had met enough Europeans you would imagine they had some talks amongst #tribes. What's wrong with them? They most likely asked. Get rid of your dumb Hollywood and colonizer concepts of the north eastern #US / Canadian first peoples #governments and intellectual capacities. They had big D #Democracy long before the precocious founding 20-30 somethings rebelled cause they weren't let in the nobility club. The tribes recognized a type of #mental #illness or dis-ease The Algonquin called it Wetiko. The simple translation is cannibalistic spirit. It's a madness that makes the infected want more than they could ever need. It creates a false separation from nature and a logic that demands a murderous self-serving ego driven aggrandizement. Vikings? Don't think so. Not that much contact. No, it was those #christian types that by then, had quite the record that fits the description. #Wetiko is a treatable culture problem. The same one causing the #climatecrisis . #capitalism #culture #mindvirus
#tribes #us #governments #democracy #mental #illness #christian #wetiko #climatecrisis #capitalism #culture #mindVirus
When first peoples had met enough Europeans you would imagine they had some talks amongst #tribes. What's wrong with them? They most likely asked. Get rid of your dumb Hollywood and colonizer concepts of the north eastern #US / Canadian first peoples #governments and intellectual capacities. They had big D #Democracy long before the precocious founding 20-30 somethings rebelled cause they weren't let in the nobility club. The tribes recognized a type of #mental #illness or dis-ease The Algonquin called it Wetiko. The simple translation is cannibalistic spirit. It's a madness that makes the infected want more than they could ever need. It creates a false separation from nature and a logic that demands a murderous self-serving ego driven aggrandizement. Vikings? Don't think so. Not that much contact. No, it was those #christian types that by then, had quite the record that fits the description. #Wetiko is a treatable culture problem. The same one causing the climate crisis. #capitalism
#tribes #us #governments #democracy #mental #illness #christian #wetiko #capitalism
Ours is the age of the #EGO god, when the principle of MATTER has become brittle, profane & opaque. We ourselves have either become jaded & cynical, or else we talk of revolution & better days to come, utopias in the sky. Hurling toward #NEMESIS (fruit of our #HUBRIS), we write books on social engineering. Our alienation, fear & narcissistic projection become the gold standard for all meaning while we obsess on evil empires, wars on terror & the latest catchy slogan to come along.
#wetiko #jung #hubris #nemesis #ego
#PaulLevy suggested that #wetiko is an exponent of the Jungian shadow, while #JohnTrudell suggested it's a predatory force that exists not just in the microcosm but also in the macrocosm, out there in Jurassic Park.
#JohnTrudell #wetiko #PaulLevy
There are statues of fierce demons standing guard at the gates of most Buddhist temples. To enter the sacred space of the temple you must pass directly between them. This is because all humans, each of us, must come to terms with the demons of fear, aggression, temptation, ignorance, and their cohorts if we are to live a free and sacred life. They cannot be neglected.
The need for transformation of our demons is universal. We all suffer at times from our personal demons, whether those of confusion, anger, self-hatred, trauma, longing, or loss. Collectively the force of these same demons creates enormous suffering on earth, including continuing war, racism, environmental devastation, and widespread yet unnecessary hunger and illness. To alleviate these forms of suffering, we humans will have to face the demons of greed, hatred, and delusion at their root. No amount of political or scientific change will end these sufferings unless we also learn to work with our demons, individually and collectively.
Here, in the straightforward teaching offered by Tsultrim Allione, is a powerful method to do so. With exquisite detail and accuracy she shows us how we can transform the energy of addiction, shame, illness, anxiety, fear, and anger into the energy of liberation. This transformation is at the very heart of Buddhist realization, the discovery that liberation can be found exactly where we are — not by avoiding the sufferings of life, but by turning toward them with a great heart of compassion. And by releasing our personal grasping of them, we can learn to transform their energy and find freedom in their midst.
Buddhist history tells us that after many years of teaching, the Buddha invited his most awakened followers to carry the lamp of the teachings of liberation and compassion across the world. He instructed them to translate these teachings into the vernacular of each new land so that they could bring benefit to all.
In Feeding Your Demons Tsultrim Allione has done so, beautifully. May the blessings and liberation offered by these practices of transforming the demons free your own heart, benefit all beings, and lead to the repair and awakening of the world. May it be so.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Paul Levy's book #WETIKO was, IMO, brilliant. It was a meditation on what has to be the single most important subject of our time, the elephant in Plato's Cave that we can't see through the shadows. I'm not referring Battlefield Earth or anything like that, but rather to the Malignant Egophrenia (ME Disease) to which Levy made reference. You won't find it a psychiatric textbook, however. Nor will you find wetiko. Colin Wilson took the mystery out of those tropes. It must somehow be reclaimed.
"Normally we empower our demons by believing they are real and strong in themselves and have the power to destroy us. As we fight against them, they get stronger. But when we acknowledge them by discovering what they really need, and nurture them, our demons release their hold, and we find that they actually do not have power over us. By nurturing the shadow elements of our being with infinite generosity, we can access the state of luminous awareness and undermine ego. By feeding the demons, we resolve conflict and duality, finding our way to unity."
"This can help us to understand the known psychological fact that the greatest danger for suicide is right before someone is going to have a breakthrough. Demons typically make their worst stink right before they are vanquished. This understanding can also help us to re-contextualize when we experience seemingly darker forces getting evoked in our mind-streams. For example, when we feel "attacked" by what seem to be the darker forces of the psyche, instead of interpreting this as evidence confirming how screwed up we are, we can realize that this is an expression that we are getting closer to the light within ourselves; shadows are not merely the absence of light, but are also an expression of its presence. In other words, the more light there is, the more the darkness becomes activated and visible. Since the darker forces want to derail us from our path, we can learn to understand that their manifestation is a reflection of exactly the opposite - that we are on our right path. We tend to think of illumination as "seeing the light," but "seeing the darkness" is also a form of illumination."
Jediným skutečným nepřítelem lidstva je změna klimatu. Jinak je vše jen v mysli. Co je to #wetiko virus? Bylo mi ukázáno, jak vypadá mysl bez tohoto viru, bohužel nevím jak to ukázat ostatním, potom co jsem se o to snažil před 13 lety, jsem se stal #targetedindividuals, není nám pomoci, vše mají lidé v mysli
Jediným skutečným nepřítelem lidstva je změna klimatu. Jinak je vše jen v mysli. Co je to #wetiko virus? Bylo mi ukázáno, jak vypadá mysl bez tohoto viru, bohužel nevím jak to ukázat ostatním, potom co jsem se o to snažil před 13 lety, jsem se stal #targetedindividuals, není nám pomoci, vše mají lidé v mysli, ale není síly jak to udělat
Paul Levy: Describing #Wetiko: Colin Wilson's Sci-Fi Classic 'The Mind Parasites': Fiction or Reality?
On Wetiko:
"I will say that “If their insanity is reflected back to them, they think it is the mirror that is insane” accurately describes what happens when a libertarian sees a homeless encampment."
@lisagill @AndreDarmanin It starts to get a bit problematic for me. I mean, how far back do we go? The Angles were colonised by the Vikings. Should we get DNA tests and state precisely how much of a coloniser we are or aren't? Unless we are 100% indigenous we are all colonisers.
Maybe it's more important to examine our motives for the attempt to exert dominance over others. Another way of putting it is: 'to what extent are we captured by #wetiko ?'
This has been on my mind a lot lately. #wetiko #sociology
If you mock videos of people suffering #covid adverse events & believe people's stories of covid adverse events are misinformation- you are a sociopath and heartless. #deathcult #wetiko #mindparasite
#covid #deathcult #wetiko #mindparasite
AxisOfEasy Salon #15: Toxic Tech Platforms and Disposable Social Media Stars
#CharlesHughSmith #derealization #Idubbbz #JaniLane #JaronLanier #JerryMander #JesseHirsh #MarkE.Jeftovic #PaulLevy #Wetiko
#wetiko #paullevy #marke #jessehirsh #jerrymander #jaronlanier #janilane #idubbbz #derealization #charleshughsmith
The whole 'spiritual search' is just wanting things to be more than they are, rather than being grateful - so just more of the same old Western #wetiko colonialist mindset.