If you’re into #wetplate or #tintype #photography, @mhaustria is an essential resource (as is his @Flipboard Magazine).
Learn more about how he creates beautiful images using a historic process on the Tin Questions #podcast:
Apple: https://flip.it/ONdwtK
Spotify: https://flip.it/_Kj14H
#analogphotography #analog #wetplatephotography
Photo courtesy of Markus Hofstätter
#wetplate #tintype #photography #podcast #analogphotography #analog #wetplatephotography
Should you buy a scratched lens? And can you spot on which plate was exposed with the scratched lens? Check out my video about this topic: https://youtu.be/ZnBFGaBcXTc And see the highres scans on my blog: https://blog.markus-hofstaetter.at/?p=10003 #wetplate #scratchedlenses #scratched #damagedlens #fungus #lensfungus #projectionlens #tintype #experiment #handmade #myths #brokenlens #largeformat #analogphotograpy #analog
#wetplate #scratchedlenses #scratched #damagedlens #fungus #lensfungus #projectionlens #tintype #experiment #handmade #myths #brokenlens #largeformat #analogphotograpy #analog
Henrik Brahe and his wife Sanne came all the way from Portugal to my studio. This portrait from the current exhibition in Persenbeug is also part of my inspired series. My video ( https://youtu.be/b20zL0KiQrw ) shows the connection of my creative creation process with the exhibitions. Enjoy! #analog #tintype #portraiture #handmade #petzval #analogphotograpy #exhibition #collodion #wetplate #passion #nassplatte #ferrotypie #kollodium #portraitphotography #archeology #photographer
#analog #tintype #portraiture #handmade #petzval #analogphotograpy #exhibition #collodion #wetplate #passion #nassplatte #ferrotypie #kollodium #portraitphotography #archeology #photographer
Roman the farmer. This is a wet plate portrait from the current exhibition in Persenbeug. My video ( https://youtu.be/b20zL0KiQrw ) shows the connection of my creative creation process with the exhibitions. Enjoy! #analog #tintype #portraiture #handmade #petzval #analogphotograpy #exhibition #collodion #wetplate #passion #nassplatte #ferrotypie #kollodium #portraitphotography #farmer
#analog #tintype #portraiture #handmade #petzval #analogphotograpy #exhibition #collodion #wetplate #passion #nassplatte #ferrotypie #kollodium #portraitphotography #farmer
My wet plate portrait of David Kriesel with his father, we had such a great time that day. This portrait from the current exhibition in Persenbeug is also part of my inspired series. My video ( https://youtu.be/b20zL0KiQrw ) shows the connection of my creative creation process with the exhibitions. Enjoy! #analog #tintype #portraiture #handmade #petzval #analogphotograpy #exhibition #collodion #wetplate #passion #nassplatte #ferrotypie #kollodium #portraitphotography #davidkriesel
#analog #tintype #portraiture #handmade #petzval #analogphotograpy #exhibition #collodion #wetplate #passion #nassplatte #ferrotypie #kollodium #portraitphotography #davidkriesel
Silvergrain Classics Magazine and Erik Schlicksbier interviewed me about my wet plate portraits and artificial intelligence. This resulted in an exciting discussion. Links to the podcast with all info can be found here: https://blog.markus-hofstaetter.at/?p=9987 #portraitphotography #wetplate #nassplatte #tintypephotography #ai #midjourney #dalle #largeformatphotography #handmade #podcast #interview #collodion #analog #analogphotography #handmade #Technology #Portrait
#portraitphotography #wetplate #nassplatte #tintypephotography #ai #midjourney #dalle #largeformatphotography #handmade #podcast #interview #collodion #analog #analogphotography #technology #portrait
Todays ambrotype will preserve a memory of my cherry tree. I have so many wonderful memories with that tree since I was a little kid. Now I have to say goodbye, because the recent years hit hard on it. I explain everything in my video ( https://youtu.be/9sL7XgjTSZo ) and on my blog ( blog.mhaustria.com ).It's a story of a new beginning and an end. In the video you can see how beautiful a 12x16" ambrotype can be. #cherrytree #cherryblossom #ambrotype #wetplate #analogphotograpy #collodion
#cherrytree #cherryblossom #ambrotype #wetplate #analogphotograpy #collodion
How about a group tintype with some proper hats? This is from a very cool team event. Captured on my 100 year old large format camera on a 8x10 wet plate. #groupshot #funtimes #cowboyhat #wetplate #tintype #8x10 #collodion #nassplatte #kollodium #handmade #analog #analogphotography
#groupshot #funtimes #cowboyhat #wetplate #tintype #8x10 #collodion #nassplatte #kollodium #handmade #analog #analogphotography
Lara - Another portrait of my inspires series that is shown at the current exhibition in Persenbeug. My video ( https://youtu.be/b20zL0KiQrw ) shows the connection of my creative creation process with the exhibitions. Enjoy! #analog #tintype #portraiture #handmade #petzval #analogphotograpy #exhibition #collodion #wetplate #passion #nassplatte #ferrotypie #kollodium #portraitphotography #artist #painter
#analog #tintype #portraiture #handmade #petzval #analogphotograpy #exhibition #collodion #wetplate #passion #nassplatte #ferrotypie #kollodium #portraitphotography #artist #painter
Jonathan - This portrait from the current exhibition in Persenbeug is also part of my inspired series. My video ( https://youtu.be/b20zL0KiQrw ) shows the connection of my creative creation process with the exhibitions. Enjoy! #analog #tintype #portraiture #handmade #petzval #analogphotograpy #exhibition #collodion #wetplate #passion #nassplatte #ferrotypie #kollodium #portraitphotography
#analog #tintype #portraiture #handmade #petzval #analogphotograpy #exhibition #collodion #wetplate #passion #nassplatte #ferrotypie #kollodium #portraitphotography
This is one of my favorite commissioned portraits from this year and also part of the exhibition in Persenbeug. My video ( https://youtu.be/b20zL0KiQrw ) shows the connection of my creative creation process with the exhibitions. Enjoy! #analog #tintype #portraiture #handmade #petzval #analogphotograpy #exhibition #collodion #wetplate #passion #nassplatte #ferrotypie #kollodium #kunst
#analog #tintype #portraiture #handmade #petzval #analogphotograpy #exhibition #collodion #wetplate #passion #nassplatte #ferrotypie #kollodium #kunst
The next portrait from the current exhibition in Persenbeug. This time with Denis and Sybille My video ( https://youtu.be/b20zL0KiQrw ) shows the connection of my creative creation process with the exhibitions. Enjoy! #analog #tintype #portraiture #handmade #petzval #analogphotograpy #exhibition #collodion #wetplate #passion #nassplatte #ferrotypie #kollodium
#analog #tintype #portraiture #handmade #petzval #analogphotograpy #exhibition #collodion #wetplate #passion #nassplatte #ferrotypie #kollodium
Proud and excited to share another of my portraits from the current exhibition in Persenbeug. This time with Phoebe My video ( https://youtu.be/b20zL0KiQrw ) shows the connection of my creative creation process with the exhibitions. Enjoy! #analog #tintype #portraiture #handmade #petzval #analogphotograpy #exhibition #collodion #wetplate #passion
#analog #tintype #portraiture #handmade #petzval #analogphotograpy #exhibition #collodion #wetplate #passion
This tintype of a pear that I found last winter goes to Nolan. Thanks a lot for supporting me on patreon for a whole year. Link for making of video I can't believe I have to let them go
https://youtu.be/MN1nibijK34 #wetplate #pear #driedfruit #tintype #analogphotography #handmade #nassplatte #collodion #keepfilmalive #largeformat #petzval #stillife #historicprocess #Monochrome
#wetplate #pear #driedfruit #tintype #analogphotography #handmade #nassplatte #collodion #keepfilmalive #largeformat #petzval #stillife #historicprocess #monochrome
The projector originally had a metal door on the front, with a small lens mounted in the door. It was replaced with this much larger, older lens by a previous owner (perhaps the same that electrified it).
This is a large format photography lens labeled "No 3350, Voigtlander & Sohn, in Wien", making this a very early photographic lens. My research indicates that this is most likely a Petzval design lens produced in 1850, but no indication of focal length or aperture.
This beautiful plates goes to Peter. Thanks a lot for supporting me on Patreon for a whole year. Link for making of video https://youtu.be/MN1nibijK34 #wetplate #magnifier #lupe #tintype #analogphotography #handmade #nassplatte #collodion #keepfilmalive #largeformat #petzval #stillife #historicprocess
#wetplate #magnifier #lupe #tintype #analogphotography #handmade #nassplatte #collodion #keepfilmalive #largeformat #petzval #stillife #historicprocess
I measured 120mm F1 on that projection lens and mounted it on my camera. The plates I shot with it are on eBay ( eBay.mhaustria.com ) and I give one of them away to my patreon supporters ( patreon.mhaustria.com ). That project was lots of fun ( https://youtu.be/dXMn61ZcQjo ) #lensporn #tintype #ambrotype #analogphotography #largeformatphotography #handmade #wetplate #nassplatte #mhaustria #keepfilmalive
#lensporn #tintype #ambrotype #analogphotography #largeformatphotography #handmade #wetplate #nassplatte #mhaustria #keepfilmalive
May the force be with us! One of my very early tintypes I did on my Linhof Master Technika. I remember selling it to a family where their son really wanted it. I still must have one here somewhere. That must have been 8 years ago. Fun times. #maythe4thbewithyou #maythe4th #tintype #wetplate #analogphotography #linhofmastertechnika #4x5 #largeformat #starwars #yoda #maytheforcebewithyou
#maythe4thbewithyou #maythe4th #tintype #wetplate #analogphotography #linhofmastertechnika #4x5 #largeformat #starwars #yoda #maytheforcebewithyou
Masimba -Warrior Tintype
it was a pleasure to do another portrait session with Masimba Hwati always such a great energy and time we have together. Looking forward to the next portrait session. #portrsiture #tintype #wetplate #collodion #nassplatte #handmade #petzval #largeformat #analogphotography #analog #warrior #silver #blackamdwhite
#portrsiture #tintype #wetplate #collodion #nassplatte #handmade #petzval #largeformat #analogphotography #analog #warrior #silver #blackamdwhite
It’s not often I do editorial photography, but recently my wife Sigrid Nygaard asked me if I would help her photograph a series of portraits of women, who told their individuel stories about getting abortions. We did it on wet plate and had a lot of fun and a fair share of technical challenges along the way. Lærke Cramon did the interviews - on both audio and text.
#photography #photographyproject #wetplate