Had a lovely time (also very warm and humid) sketching this wet sclerophyll forest scene yesterday at Rankin's Paddock, Binna Burra.
The trees with the reddish bark are Brush Box (Lophostemon confertus) while the pale ones are most probably Flooded Gums (Eucalyptus grandis). I say 'most probably' as they are very similar to E. saligna (Sydney Blue Gum) from a distance. And because the undergrowth was thick and shrubby (and no doubt alive with leeches, ticks, and stinging trees), I wasn't inclined to have a closer look 😁
#naturejournal #naturejournaling #eucalyptus #Lophostemon #drawing #sketch #forest #wetsclerophyllforest #ink #inktense
#naturejournal #naturejournaling #eucalyptus #lophostemon #drawing #sketch #forest #wetsclerophyllforest #ink #inktense