Sep 12, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: Druida / HoM "Tobacconist" C&H v8
• Razor: EldrormR Industries MM24
• Blade: Personna GEM PTFE
• Lather: HoM Embrace
• Post Shave: HoM Embrace AS
• Fragrance: HoM Embrace EdP
#ShaveAgainstSuicide #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
#sotd #shaveagainstsuicide #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
- Prep: cold water
- Razor: RazoRock GC 0.84 OC
- Blade: Rapira Platinum Lux
- Brush: RazoRock 400 Noir SE
- Lather: B&M - Le Grand Chypre
- Post Shave: Pacific Shaving Co. - Caffeinated ASB + moisturizer
Quick 1-pass shave before late shift. Work is crazy atm - not because of my colleagues or our residents at the nursing home, but due to idiotic higher-ups with wrong priorities.
Thankfully, my shave calmed me down a bit. LGCs slight Cola scent is never wrong!
Sep 11, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: C&H "Fougère" 26mm v16 Fanchurian
• Razor: Mühle R94
• Blade: Gillette 7'OC-SS
• Lather: HoM Shire 2
• Post Shave: CGC / HoM Armonía AS
• Fragrance: GN Jackie EdP
#SampleSeptember #MammothMonday #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
#sotd #sampleseptember #mammothmonday #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
Brush: Wald Stratos Goldvein 29mm A1 Fan
Razor: Ralf Aust 5/8 Full Hollow Spanish Point (Straight Shave 323)
Lather: Saponificio Varesino - 70th Anniversary - Soap (46)
Post Shave: Saponificio Varesino - 70th Anniversary - Aftershave
Post Shave: Thayers - Lavender - Toner
Fragrance: Saponificio Varesino - 70th Anniversary - Eau de Parfum
3 passes. Face lather. Good shave.
#sotd #shaveoftheday #wetshaving
#MammothMonday #SampleStraightember
• Brush: #Zenith 506U N
• Razor: #Böker Abalone
• Lather: #HouseOfMammoth Tobacconist
• Post: #SummerBreakSoaps Valedictorian
• Frag: #ChatillonLux Gratiot League Square
Fantastic scent combo Tobacconist ⇒ Valedictorian ⇒ Gratiot League Square. 👨🍳's 😚
The horse brush keeps impressing me, and the Böker feels great. This kind of shave is what I have in mind when I laud the benefits of #wetshaving.
#StraightRazor #wetshaving #Straightember #ShaveOfTheDay #SOTD
#mammothmonday #samplestraightember #zenith #boker #houseofmammoth #summerbreaksoaps #chatillonlux #wetshaving #straightrazor #straightember #shaveoftheday #sotd
Vetiver #SampleStraightember
• Brush: #Zenith 506U N
• Razor: #Böker Abalone
• Lather: #MartinDeCandre Vetyver
• Post & Frag: #ScottishFineSoapsCo Vetiver & Sandalwood
Vet(y|i)ver ++;
#StraightRazor #wetshaving #Straightember #ShaveOfTheDay #SOTD
#samplestraightember #zenith #boker #martindecandre #scottishfinesoapsco #straightrazor #wetshaving #straightember #shaveoftheday #sotd
Fufluns #SampleStraightember
• Brush: #Zenith 506U N
• Razor: #Böker Abalone
• Lather: #AbbatyYLaMantia Fufluns
• Post & Frag: #Sir Irisch Moos
Fufluns & Irisch Moos ++;
#StraightRazor #wetshaving #Straightember #ShaveOfTheDay #SOTD
#samplestraightember #zenith #boker #abbatyylamantia #sir #straightrazor #wetshaving #straightember #shaveoftheday #sotd
Sep 9, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: C&H "Chocolate Drop" 26mm v19 Fanchurian
• Razor: CFG Legacy (Al)
• Blade: Gillette 7'OC-SS
• Lather: SBS Recess
• Post Shave: SBS Woodshop AS
• Fragrance: GN Juniper Reverie Parfum
#sotd #sampleseptember #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
#SecondLuxuryShave #SampleStraightember
• Brush: #Zenith 506U N
• Razor: #Friodur 14
• Lather: #FitjarIslands Holme
• Post: #Schmiere 1959
The Frio 14 is a treasure; so smooth, so controlled
Holme +-;
#StraightRazor #wetshaving #Straightember #ShaveOfTheDay #SOTD
#secondluxuryshave #samplestraightember #zenith #friodur #fitjarislands #schmiere #straightrazor #wetshaving #straightember #shaveoftheday #sotd
Sep 8, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: Highlander Brushes Jade 26mm Cashmere Knot
• Razor: GEM "1912"
• Blade: Personna GEM PTFE
• Lather: CFG Topanga Fougère
• Post Shave: GD L'Avventura AS
• Fragrance: Spearhead Seaforth! Heather EdT
#sampleseptember #fougerefriday #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
#sotd #sampleseptember #fougerefriday #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
#FougèreFriday #SampleStraightember
• Brush: #Zenith 506U N
• Razor: #Böker Abalone
• Lather: #SouthernWitchcrafts Fougère Nemeta
• Post: #StirlingSoapCo Varen
• Frag: #SpearheadShavingCo #Seaforth! Fleur de France
FdF works so nicely with fougères, I'm really liking this combination.
#StraightRazor #wetshaving #Straightember #ShaveOfTheDay #SOTD
#fougerefriday #samplestraightember #zenith #boker #southernwitchcrafts #stirlingsoapco #spearheadshavingco #seaforth #straightrazor #wetshaving #straightember #shaveoftheday #sotd
Rzr: Timeless - SS .68 OC
Bld: Gillette - Nacet (M) (533)
Lthr: Smr Brk - Wood Shop
Bsh: DG - B13 Dog/Briar (18 uses)
PS: CLx - Gratiot Leage Sq
Slurry Lather testing continues, this time with a large, premium, high density badger brush.
I do introduce another variable this time, Slurry lathering from a smush/sample.
I use my new Wood Shop soap for the first time, as well.
#wetshaving #shaveoftheday #sotd
Sep 7, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: C&H "Fu Dao Flare" 26mm V20 Fanchurian
• Razor: Aylsworth Drakkant+
• Blade: Voskhod
• Lather: Dr. Jon's Propaganda (Vegan)
• Post Shave: HoM Fu Dao AS
• Fragrance: Lubin Akkad EdP
#sotd #sampleseptember #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
Giddy Up for Smoky #SampleStraightember
• Brush: #Zenith 506U N 🐎
• Razor: #Böker Abalone 🐚
• Lather: #SouthernWitchcrafts Necromantic 🍯
• Post: #SouthernWitchcrafts Autumn Ash 🍁
• Frag: #MaisonMargiela By The Fireplace 🔥
New horse after discussing with @PorkButtsNTaters666 and @sgrdddy
Lovely sweet and smoky shave today
#StraightRazor #wetshaving #Straightember #ShaveOfTheDay #SOTD
#samplestraightember #zenith #boker #southernwitchcrafts #maisonmargiela #straightrazor #wetshaving #straightember #shaveoftheday #sotd
- Prep: cold water
- Razor: RazoRock Hawk V2
- Blade: Feather ProGuard
- Brush: CoolDog Leipzig 26 mm Fan
- Lather: Chiseled Face - Ghost Town Barber
- Post Shave: A&E - Wood & Lavender rice water serum
1 pass face shave. Nothing new - GTB is still a very solid option with a comfortable scent; The Hawk continues to be nimble and Feather PG suck for my face.
#sotd #wetshaving #safetyrazor #shaving
Oh, I really don't do anything special, just a little drop of oil near the pin. You can feel that it goes in because the friction holding the scales diminishes.
I repeat that every few shaves. I *think* this treatment keeps water from getting in there
#wetshaving #straightrazor #straightrazormaintenance
Sep 6, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: Trotter "Space Portal" 25mm Mühle STF
• Razor: Blutt BR-1 0.99
• Blade: Gillette 7'OC-SS
• Lather: MacDuffs DSP
• Post Shave: SW Carpathia AS
#SampleSeptember #witchcraftswednesday #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving #wetshavers #wetshave #wetshaveoftheday #artisansoap #classicshave #safetyrazor #shavingsoap #shavingbrush #aftershave #traditionalwetshaving #traditionalshaving #shavebrush
#sotd #sampleseptember #witchcraftswednesday #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving #wetshavers #wetshave #wetshaveoftheday #artisansoap #classicshave #safetyrazor #shavingsoap #shavingbrush #aftershave #traditionalwetshaving #traditionalshaving #shavebrush
Pretty New Razor Sample #Straightember Shave
• Brush: #Zenith r/Wetshaving exclusive MOAR BOAR
• Razor: #Böker Abalone
• Lather: #BarristerAndMann Reserve Fern
• Post: #NobleOtter, #HouseOfMammoth, & #DeclarationGrooming Cerberus Fougère
• Frag: #ArmaniPrivé Bleu Turquoise
This beautiful razor was a gift and arrived yesterday. What a looker! Had to do a green-themed shave, obviously.
#straightember #zenith #boker #barristerandmann #nobleotter #houseofmammoth #declarationgrooming #armaniprive #straightrazor #wetshaving #shaveoftheday #sotd
Rzr: Timeless - SS .68 OC
Bld: Gillette - Nacet (M) (532)
Lthr: HoM Tusk - Misfit
Bsh: DG - B13 Dog/Briar (17 uses)
PS: BaM - Fr Hrsmn - Famine
How blessed am I to get to shave with a rare creation from Ben/Mammoth! Due to the generosity of @J33pGuy13 , he shared with me a smush of a soap Ben created just for him as a prize in the Lather Games (over on reddit /r/wetshaving).
Thanks so much, Jeep!
#wetshaving #shaveoftheday #sotd
- Prep: cold water
- Razor: Stando Perun
- Blade: BIC Chrome Platinum
- Brush: TGS Galaxy 26 mm
- Lather: Zingari Man - The Navigator
- Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps - Rope Swing AS; moisturizer
1 pass head and face shave again. Not fitting scents at all, but at least it was cold - the return of summer heat isn't well received on my end. Blade's ready to be replaced.
Three more shifts to go until a free weekend - let's go.
#wetshaving #sotd #headshave #safetyrazor