RT @greenpeaceQC
BREAKING: Nous bloquons une succursale de @RBC à MTL pour exiger qu'elle cesse de financer les combustibles fossiles et respecte les droits des peuples autochtones. Plus de 50 actions ont lieu dans tout le Canada aujourd'hui. #FossilFoolsDay #PetroBanqueDuCanada #WetsuwetenStrong
#fossilfoolsday #petrobanqueducanada #wetsuwetenstrong
"Budget Survey" sent by the Federal NDP
My reply focused on #LandBack and #CashBack :
Fair/Just Transfer Payments to Indigenous Self-determined, Indigenous responsible governments.
I can't support #NDP brand while the BC NDP is engaged in colonial violence #WetsuwetenStrong #AllOutForWedzinkwa
It's frustrating how many self-identifying "progressives" aren't aware #ShutDownCanada is in response to violent Racism enacted by #NDP
#Landback #cashback #ndp #wetsuwetenstrong #AllOutForWedzinKwa #shutdowncanada
I went to a documentary screening last night https://mediaindigena.com/the-power-was-with-us-idle-no-more/
Makes me wonder: as social media fragments, will events like #IdleNoMore #WetsuwetenStrong #ShutDownCanada ever be the same?
I'm here because some Indigenous individuals I follow were coming here -- but not all -- so?
It was actually #ShutDownCanada that caused me to finally research what I had so far missed.
As a sign in documentary says: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.
#idlenomore #wetsuwetenstrong #shutdowncanada
If you're in Tio'tia:ke (Montreal) on Friday, come join me to protest RBC's inolvement in funding the Coastal GasLink pipeline on Wet'suwet'en land!
10 AM at the RBC at Place Ville-Marie
#wetsuwetenstrong #AllOutForWedzinKwa #shutdowncanada
RT @mikegraemephoto
“The BCOGC is currently permitting drilling for the pipeline under the #WedzinKwa, without the consent of Wet' suwet'en people living on their land,” the group says.
They add the action was carried out in direct communication with #Wetsuweten land defenders.
#wedzinkwa #wetsuweten #wetsuwetenstrong
RT @StopFrackingA
Climate activists throw Maple Syrup at Emily Carr's "Stumps and Sky" at Vancouver Art Gallery to demand an end to the Coastal GasLink Pipeline currently drilling under the sacred Wedzin Kwa river on unceded @Gidimten Wet'suwet'en lands
#wetsuwetenstrong #KilltheDrill
Yes and what about the guns the Canadian government is pointing at the #WetsuwetenStrong earth defenders?
RT @JustinTrudeau
One Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many. That’s why we’ve banned 1,500 types of military-style assault firearms. And that’s why, today, we’ve introduced legislation to further strengthen gun control in Canada. Thread ⤵️
Wet'suwet'en räumen Coastal Gaslink von der Bohrstelle und errichten wieder ein Coyote Camp [#Smithers, #BC] - Weiterlesen: https://enough-is-enough14.org/2021/12/21/wetsuweten-raeumen-coastal-gaslink-von-der-bohrstelle-und-errichten-wieder-ein-coyote-camp-smithers-bc/ #WetsuwetenResistance #DivestCGL
#ShutDownCanada #WetsuwetenStrong #AllOutForWedzinKwa #Decolonize #antireport #Gidimten #Wetsuweten
#wetsuweten #gidimten #antireport #decolonize #AllOutForWedzinKwa #wetsuwetenstrong #shutdowncanada #DivestCGL #WetsuwetenResistance #bc #smithers
Wet'suwet'en Evict Coastal Gaslink From Drill Site; Re-Establish Coyote Camp [#Smithers, #BC] - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2021/12/21/wetsuweten-evict-coastal-gaslink-from-drill-site-re-establish-coyote-camp-smithers-bc/ #WetsuwetenResistance #DivestCGL
#ShutDownCanada #WetsuwetenStrong #AllOutForWedzinKwa #Decolonize #antireport #Gidimten #Wetsuweten
#wetsuweten #gidimten #antireport #decolonize #AllOutForWedzinKwa #wetsuwetenstrong #shutdowncanada #DivestCGL #WetsuwetenResistance #bc #smithers
A Wet'suwet'en solidarity mix by Tiohtià:ke (Montreal) artists who signed an open letter last year expressing support for the struggle against the Coastal GasLink pipeline.
#wetsuwetenstrong #AllOutForWedzinKwa
Je me demande pourquoi l'armée GRC n'a pas effacé les photos des appareils qu'elle a saisis? Car elles sont saisisantes...😕 #wetsuwetenstrong https://thenarwhal.ca/rcmp-arrests-wetsuweten-media-photos/
#ShutDownCanada: Banner on 720 West-Bound, Tiohtià:ke - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2021/11/27/shutdowncanada-banner-on-720-west-bound-tiohtiake/ #Quebec #QC #Montreal #Decolonize #Wetsuweten #AllOutForWedzinKwa #decolonize #antireport #WetsuwetenStrong #WetsuwetenSolidarity
#wetsuwetensolidarity #wetsuwetenstrong #antireport #AllOutForWedzinKwa #wetsuweten #decolonize #montreal #qc #quebec #shutdowncanada
Train Tracks Blocked in Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders [#Montreal] - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2021/11/22/train-tracks-blocked-in-solidarity-with-wetsuweten-land-defenders-montreal/ #AllOutForWedzinKwa #WetsuwetenStrong #QC #Quebec #Wetsuweten #decolonize #antireport #ShutDownCanada
#shutdowncanada #antireport #decolonize #wetsuweten #quebec #qc #wetsuwetenstrong #AllOutForWedzinKwa #montreal
#ShutDownCanada: Tire Fires on Tracks - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2021/11/20/shutdowncanada-tire-fires-on-tracks/ #AllOutForWedzinKwa #WetsuwetenStrong #Montreal #QC #Quebec #Wetsuweten #decolonize #antireport
#antireport #decolonize #wetsuweten #quebec #qc #montreal #wetsuwetenstrong #AllOutForWedzinKwa #shutdowncanada
Blockade von Bahnstrecken in Solidarität mit der Gidimt'en-Aktionswoche [#Montreal] - Weiterlesen: https://enough-is-enough14.org/2021/10/11/blockade-von-bahnstrecken-in-solidaritaet-mit-der-gidimten-aktionswoche-montreal/ #QC #Quebec #wetsuwetenstrong #wetsuweten #AllOutForWedzinKwa #shutdowncanada #Landback #DefendWedzinKwa #decolonize #antireport #ClimateEmergency
#ClimateEmergency #antireport #decolonize #DefendWedzinKwa #Landback #shutdowncanada #AllOutForWedzinKwa #wetsuweten #wetsuwetenstrong #quebec #qc #montreal
Rail Lines Blockaded in Solidarity with Gidimt’en Week of Action [#Montreal] - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2021/10/11/rail-lines-blockaded-in-solidarity-with-gidimten-week-of-action-montreal/ #QC #Quebec #wetsuwetenstrong #wetsuweten #AllOutForWedzinKwa #shutdowncanada #Landback #DefendWedzinKwa #decolonize #antireport
#antireport #decolonize #DefendWedzinKwa #Landback #shutdowncanada #AllOutForWedzinKwa #wetsuweten #wetsuwetenstrong #quebec #qc #montreal
Banner Drop in Solidarity with Gidimt’en [#Montreal] - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2021/10/04/banner-drop-in-solidarity-with-gidimten-montreal/ #WetsuwetenStrong #Wetsuweten #CGLoffTheYintah #decolonize #antireport #QC #Quebec
#quebec #qc #antireport #decolonize #CGLoffTheYintah #wetsuweten #wetsuwetenstrong #montreal
#ShutDownCanada Recap [Video] - Watch: https://enoughisenough14.org/2021/02/13/shutdowncanada-recap-video/ #WetsuwetenStrong #WeAreOne #StandUpFightBack #NoTrespass #WedzinKwah #Decolonize #Wetsuweten #Gidimten So-called #Canada
#canada #gidimten #wetsuweten #decolonize #WedzinKwah #notrespass #standupfightback #weareone #wetsuwetenstrong #shutdowncanada
Protect the Headwaters! Wet'suwet'en Resist Coastal Gaslink [Video] - Watch and read: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/10/11/protect-the-headwaters-wetsuweten-resist-coastal-gaslink-video/ #Wetsuweten #WetsuwetenStrong #antireport #Decolonize
#decolonize #antireport #wetsuwetenstrong #wetsuweten